mobile scrollable table
Rio Del Mar Beach | August 07, 2021 | Surf Perch and other species | Jeff Gose – (831) 227-0722 |
Alaska Trip | September 04, 2021 – September 12, 2021 | Rainbow, Salmon and Dolly Varden | Roy Gunter |
Manresa State Beach Surf Fishing | September 04, 2021 | Surf Perch and other species | Mark Traugott, 831-338-6056 |
Mammoth Fishout | September 18, 2021 – October 02, 2021 | Trout | John Cook fishmaster– (831)688-1561 or (831)234-6515 |
O’Neill Forebay – Oct 7 – 10 2021 | October 07, 2021 – October 10, 2021 | Striped Bass | Steve Rudzinski |
Palm Beach | October 09, 2021 | Surf Perch and other species | Sam Bishop (831) 476-6451 |
O’Neill Forebay – Nov 4 – 7 2021 | November 04, 2021 – November 07, 2021 | Striped Bass | Steve Rudzinski |
Aug 07 6:00 AM : Rio Del Mar Beach

Rio Del Mar Beach (Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: Jeff Gose – (831) 227-0722
Back to Rio Del Mar State Beach for the August Surf Fish-Out where we started this year. Meet up at 6 am at “the Platform” at the end of Beach Drive. Parking is outside due to the early hour before the paid parking gate opens. We have an Low to Mid Flood tide.
Take Rio Del Mar Blvd all the way to the flats, do the round-about to the left and go ½ mile down Beach drive.
Everyone is welcome, but I highly encourage you to learn to cast before you come to the beach. Check in with our Castmaster Mark Traugott, or his assistant (me) and work on the haul and the double haul. For surf equipment, clothing and general information, go to our website under EDUCATION and read the section on surf fishing.
Stripping baskets for free loan or purchase $20 to the Club. If you need a stripping basket, please be there early, before we hit the beach to fish. Best to have your rod strung up already and your waders on already doesn’t hurt!
See you and your friends at the Beach!
Sep 04 12:00 AM : Alaska Trip

Eagle Landing Resort, Alaska (Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: Roy Gunter
Roy Gunter writes: I am offering to sponsor a fishout to the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska leaving on September 4, 2021 and returning on September 12, 2021. Limited to 4 participants including Roy. We will stay in the Riverside Cabin at the Eagle Landing Resort in Cooper Landing, AK (go to to check out Resort and Cabin). Trip will be fishing the Kenai River, Russian River and nearby creeks, targeting rainbows and dolly varden, but catching many salmon along the way. Trip includes 2 guided trips on the Kenai River, including at least one boat trip down the Kenai River Canyon to the delta of Skilak Lake. You will have to provide your own airfare to Anchorage and return, which can be arrange for virtually no charge if you obtain an Alaska Airlines Credit Card. Alaska Airlines now flies out of Monterey. However, a rental car is included in the trip. Food and beverages are included and obtained from Costco and Carrs Supermarket for preparation at the cabin. Since I am cooking for the most part, meals are gourmet including wine and/or other beverages. Since I am an Alaska Air card holder, over the last 20 years I have never exceeded $2,000 for the entire trip, including the cost of a motel before flying out, and once paid only $770. Couples are welcome, but there is only one queen bed in a separate bedroom. Other Club Members who have accompanied me include: Bob Monaco, Steve Rawson, Milana Rawson, Daneen Gunter, Don Foskett, Gary Hazelton, Harry Petrakis, Mark Traugott and Gil Santos. Requirements: $1,000 deposit subject to forfeit unless you find a substitute fisherman to accept your spot and you must have recieved all of your covid vaccinations at least 14 days prior to departure. Prior participants have priority. If interested please contact Roy Gunter at 831-809-0316 or email at
Sam Bishops adds some insight on the Alaska Airlines Credit Card opportunity: “Buy a new Alaska Airline card and get 50,000 miles if you spend $2,000 in 2 or 3 months. $75 for the card, but you get a free bag. Without it the first bag is $40. I just got a new card for about the fourth time. I let the old one expire and get a new one for the mileage. I paid the house insurance on the new one and bingo I am covered.”
Contact: Roy Gunter 831 809 0316 email is best.
Sep 04 6:00 AM : Manresa State Beach Surf Fishing

Manresa State Beach (Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: Mark Traugott, 831-338-6056
The September Surf Fishout will take place at Manresa State Beach, on Saturday, September 4th. The sun will rise at 7:10 a.m., and the tide will be high a Mid Flood. We will meet at 6:30 A.M. at the entrance to the State Park at 1445 San Andreas Road. Park outside and just past the park entrance where there is space for a half dozen cars. There are a couple more spaces on the opposite side of the street. If all the available spaces are full when you arrive, go a quarter mile further along San Andres Rd. and turn right onto Oceanview Drive. Park at the end of that street, along the fence on the right, and take the stairs down to the beach where you can eventually join the rest of the group. For details regarding equipment and technique, check the excellent instructions on surf fishing that Sam Bishop has published on our club website. The basic equipment is a five- to 8-weight rod with an intermediate to full-sinking line or sinking tip. Any type of Clouser pattern or anchovy fly will work for stripers, and small bonefish patterns (for example, Gotchas) will catch perch, especially if they have red or orange highlights. The only surf-specific piece of essential equipment is a stripping basket, which Sam makes and sells for $20 to benefit the club. Make contact with him in advance, or let me know if you would like to borrow or purchase a stripping basic on July 3.
Sep 18 12:00 AM : Mammoth Fishout

Mammoth Lakes (Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: John Cook fishmaster– (831)688-1561 or (831)234-6515
Dates: This fishout will take place over two consecutive one-week periods. You may sign up for one or both weeks. Week 1: Sept 18 – 25. Week 2: Sept 26 – Oct 2.
Location: The town of Mammoth Lakes is located on the eastern side of the Sierra, 6 or 7 hours drive from Santa Cruz. There are many lakes and streams in the area to fish.
General: We will be staying in condominiums in the town of Mammoth Lakes. Condo has a lovely hot tub, so bring your suit. Two people per bedroom. Most people bring a sleeping bag to share king size bed or a pad and sleeping bag to sleep on floor. A private room option is possible at an increased fee.
Cost: Covers 7 night’s lodging and 3 meals per day. $320/week, $640/two weeks. $535/week for a private room. $ is not refundable unless someone takes your place. Any unused funds will be used for prizes at the annual fund raiser.
Food Preparation: Breakfast and lunch items will be purchased by the fishmaster ahead of time. Each person will be assigned a Kitchen Day. On that day, tasks will include setting out breakfast and lunch items, store unused food, and preparing the evening meal and clean up afterwards.
SignUps: Call John Cook letting him know which week or both or private room. ASAP or up to May 1st. We will be leaving town mid May, so need to put things together and confirm reservation by then. Receiving your $ will reserve your spot. I will maintain a waiting list and, if space becomes available you will be notified by phone, even while we are on summer vacation. Deliver your $ by mail ( PO Box 2822, Aptos, Ca. 95001 ) or deliver in person. (215 Treasure Island Ave., Aptos , Ca. )
Covid Issues: All participants must have completed the vaccine regiment at least one month prior. Must be free of symptoms. If negative public health issues arrive, the fishout will be canceled and $ returned.
Oct 07 12:00 AM : O’Neill Forebay – Oct 7 – 10 2021
Nov 04 12:00 AM : O’Neill Forebay – Nov 4 – 7 2021

Islands Oneill Forebay (Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: Steve Rudzinski
The annual O’Neill ForeBay Striped Bass FishOut has been scheduled for Oct 7-10 and Nov 4-7 (Thurs-Sunday). I made it during the dark phase of the moon this year.
We will camp at the same place again at Medeiros Campground site #23 I will try to get again, there are 4 sites there and more than one car per site is okay. New people should contact me personally for details. Bring everything to camp bare bones style, only a single vault style toilet which is not too bad compared to the other porta potties throughout the campground. Bring water, and food and cooking gear, there will be a camp stove or two to use or cook over the camp fire.
Gear to use: 7 or 8 wt rod, full sinking line like Rio Outbound Short or Tungsten T-11 shooting head with a good running line. 15 lb test fluorocarbon leader (6′ is long enough so the fly gets down deeper). Lee Haskins or Jim Hall has flies for sale. Both are listed in our club roster and you can make an order directly with them. Float tubes of course or small craft like flat bottom dingy’s and some kayaks work okay except when windy. (It can really BLOW you away there and we hope for good conditions but we have had big rainstorms in years past so prepare for the worst).
One thing we never have enough of is firewood for the evening rap sessions, the size of wood that comes in a box at the grocery store is perfect for our portable fire tubs.
The camp is only 70 miles from Santa Cruz and directions can be easily be found on your GPS system. Call or email me @ 831 462 4532 or to be on the list so I have a good idea of how many will attend. We always have a good time at this event. See you there, Stosh
Oct 09 7:00 AM : Palm Beach
Palm State Beach (Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: Sam Bishop (831) 476-6451
Meet at 7:00 am
Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers
Tide: Mid Flood
Sunrise @ 7:10 am
Fishmaster: Sam Bishop 831- 252-3300
Posted on July 28th, 2021