Happy Holidays Everyone.
Always feels weird saying things like ‘Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.’, when in order to get this in the newsletter, you’re writing the article a couple weeks before! Over the years, I’ve often wondered how do they get Winter catalogs in the mail in August, and they have people modeling new clothing in snow. Never mind.
We have been busy. Covid did not slow us down. The raffle last month was awesome, and we had 38 people on the Zoom meeting with Chris King’s outstanding presentation on Steelhead and big rainbows. Your generous support if our Conservation and Scholarships has been amazing. While we aren’t having our Annual Dinner/Fundraiser in January, we have been managing our expenses, membership, and donations such that we are in vey good shape to weather what Covid might yet throw at us.
Your Board has been very active engaging membership, fishing together, in California mostly, and exploring new ways to continue keeping you fly-fishing.
We are looking forward to something more “back to normal”, but the tools we’ve developed because of Covid, are giving us more tools to use when we do go back to normal. It is likely we will continue with Zoom enhancements at our functions by broadcasting our club meetings over the web, even when we are meeting together.
Our future is secure and we are growing. The youth, as we’ve mentioned before, are the future of our environment, our fisheries and this club. Due to the response in our Scholarship program, and other available youth programs for next year, David South, normally, our Annual dinner Organizer suggested a Youth Programs Chair – which is a terrific idea. If you’re interested in being involved and chairing this committee, please reach out to me/us.
Our Programs Chair, Jim Black, is also looking for someone to shadow him and help take part in bringing on new and exciting speakers. Since they don’t have to travel, these speakers, men and women, can come from virtually anywhere there is a Zoom connection. If interested, we welcome you.
Our Website/Newsletter Chair, Scott Kitayama, has been doing a terrific job with both; as you’ll see in this month’s pub, an expanding selection of SCFF merchandise in collaboration with our Marketing Chair, Michael McGannon. Scott is looking for some assistance, from anyone interested in more internet-based outreach and support with things like Instagram, Tik Tok… If interested in this, please reach out to Scott.
Also, thanks to an idea from Steve Rudzinski, we’ve nominated and approved our first “Meteorologist At Large”, going to our local Santa Cruz surfing, fishing and weather expert, Lee Solomon. Welcome to the Club, Lee! Can’t wait to see you donning waders and a fly-rod for an upcoming weather segment on KSBW!
We are wishing all of you a very happy Holidays. Stay tuned – a lot of fun stuff coming up. Thank you for your incredible support and your own very special enthusiasm. Thank you for coming to the meetings, fly-tying, supporting conservation, the club, scholarships and so much more.
We will continue to grow, and we will always – promote, educate and enjoy, the sport of fly-fishing.
Merry Christmas! Tom
Posted on November 24th, 2020