Just over a year ago, a small dam on Mill Creek near Bonny Doon was removed (see my article in the June 2021 newsletter https://www.santacruzflyfishing.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/SCFF_June_2021.pdf). One of the expected outcomes was to expand and improve spawning habitat for fish. Now, scientists have reported some unexpected good news. Twelve juvenile steelhead and 15 coho fry have been found in the creek. It is the first time coho have been found in the creek. Though it is early in the recovery process and more work to be done—like removing invasive plant species and placement of large woody debris—this is encouraging news, no doubt.
For more interesting details on this article, see the following websites:
Coho, Cobble, and Creek Beds: A Year After the Mill Creek Dam Was Removed
Posted on October 24th, 2022