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San Luis Fishout

by Kevin Murdock

O’Neill Forebay Fishout

Quarry: Striped Bass


We’ll start with a date: Thursday, October 17 to Sunday, October 20.

The location: Maderios Campground on the southern part of the O’neill Forebay. To get there, take Highway 152 (Pachecho Pass), go east on Santa Nella Blvd. and make a left at the entrance for the Madeiros Kiosk. Camping is first-come, first-served. The Campsites are $20 per night, with a $2 discount for seniors. I’ll be shooting for a campsite near the old boat launch.


Once again, the camp area nearest the islands is closed to vehicle traffic. Those wishing to float near the powerlines might choose to launch their tubes from the San Louis Creek side.


The campsites are primitive, with fire rings, shade shelters, and picnic tables. Water is scarce so bring your own. There are very clean pit toilets.


Most club members fish with 8 weight rods and fast sinking lines. Heavy streamers are the usual ticket. Lee Haskins ties a beautiful San Louis Smelt imitation. Also, the usual assortment of reds, white, chartreuse or grey weighted streamers or deceivers. Some club members have reported occasional top water action with gurglers. There is a link on our website for all the tips & tactics on this lake. Yog & company had an extremely successful day last weekend!


Float tubes are the order of the day. If they have zippered compartments, they will need to be inspected for quagga mussels. Have your float tubes inspected by the ranger at the Kiosk as you enter. Don’t forget your life preserver and a whistle.


Small boats must be launched from the San Louis Creek campground and boat launch. Arrive early as there will be a line of boats being inspected. Boats may not be left on the water after nightfall. I recommend returning to the exit kiosk prior to their closing (6 pm) so you can have your boat tagged, thus avoiding the inspection line the following day.

Meals: I have a signup sheet on the table, and those wishing to participate in pot luck meals can make their intentions plain. I’m hoping to have a ‘Stosh’ moment Saturday evening where we can toast Stosh, as well as all of our lost friends and share stories. I’m bringing some firewood but don’t know if fires will be allowed due to extreme dryness.


This fishout is so close to our own back yard, it’s one of our easiest to join in on. Its 90 minutes from my home in Aptos to the campground. The club members are happy, nay, EAGER to share tips and tactics.. You can attend just one day or the whole weekend. Los Banos is only 20 minutes away, with the famous ‘Woolgrowers’ Basque style restaurant as the main attraction.


Today was 80 degrees at the lake with light winds. Wind can sometimes shut down the lake.


Tip-o-the-day: if you’re getting skunked, find Elain & John and fish within sight of them. (It’s saved more than one fishless day for me).


I’ll sign off with this admonition: you’ll regret missing this fishout when you see the photos! Even a modest schoolie striper (18”) feels like a

20 lb salmon on the line.


Kevin ‘Dock’ Murdock



Phone #s:                (831) 238-3037  Kevin

      •    (209) 826-6240 Campground

(209) 826-4714   O’Neill Forebay Kiosk

(800) 805-4805    Real time wind reports

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Local Surf Fly Fishing

Oct 02 6:45 AM at the Aptos Grange
Zoom link:

The ocean is the closest fishery that we have in Santa Cruz.  Luckily for us in the area, our beaches provide ample access for those to take advantage of this fishery year-round.

Club members Jerry McKeon, Tommy Polito, and Lance Boiling will discuss fly fishing on our local beaches.  We will chat about everything from tides and conditions to gear and tips.  Whether you’re new to fishing the surf, or an experienced feather chucker; come share stories and learn why our closest fishery is one of our favorites.

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Embracing the Challenge of Fly Fishing

A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of fishing the Fall River with club members Alex Ferber and Wilson Taguinod. Having previously fished this big, slow-moving spring creek, we thought it would be a good opportunity to try our hand at dry flies. With Alex guiding on the river, Wilson and I felt confident in our technique. However, when it comes to achieving the perfect downstream drift with a size 20 fly on an 18-foot leader, things can get tricky!

While we managed to catch a few fish by stripping some bugs, we couldn’t land a single one on a dry fly. Later, as we discussed the day, it became clear: if we wanted to improve our chances of success, we needed to practice and refine our techniques.

Upon returning to Santa Cruz, I attended a fly casting clinic to work on my presentation skills. Here’s the truth I’m learning: regardless of your skill level, fly fishing can be a challenge if you want it to be. It involves solving many little puzzles—finding the right location, determining what the fish are eating, and figuring out how to present the fly. It’s crucial to gauge how much challenge you want without letting frustration lead you to give up.

Looking ahead to 2025, the Santa Cruz club is excited to offer more educational and fishing opportunities. We have some new volunteers on board who will help us broaden our offerings, catering to novices and providing challenges for experts alike.

Over the past five months, Alex Ferber has been instrumental in our casting clinic, and I’m pleased to announce that he has been voted onto the SCFF Board as our casting instructor. Alex’s passion for teaching is evident—whether casting on the grass, practicing with yarn on the San Lorenzo, or fishing rivers up north, he is dedicated to helping you improve. In 2025, Alex will design casting classes that culminate in fishing trips. For instance, his current spey casting clinic will conclude with a steelhead outing on the Trinity River.

Another valuable addition to our team is Jesse Collins. Jesse previously gave a presentation about his experiences as a professional guide in Alaska. In late August, he, Bob Garbarino, and Kevin Murdock ventured to Alaska to fish. Jesse will join the board in 2025 and is already planning advanced fly tying sessions, adventure trips to Alaska, and greater outreach to the fishing community in Santa Cruz.

Do you remember this quote from JFK?

“We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard…”

I choose to fly fish and explore different techniques, species, and situations because it is a challenge—and because it’s hard. I’m grateful for the club and its members who help me navigate these challenges. I hope you find similar benefits through our community.

Fish hard, my friends,

Scott Kitayama, President

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October Fly Tying Class: Adachi Clouser

by Elaine Cook - Fly Tying Chairman

Oct 09 6:30 PM @ Aptos Grange

October Fly Tying Class: Adachi clouser

Our club member, Tommy Polito, is having much success in both the surf and forebay catching stripers using this fly.. He is also finding other fish species are attracted to the fly as well.  There have been many requests for our club members to have a class for tying clousers, so I’m glad to make that happen.  Please, as always, sign up at the next club meeting or call 831-234-6515.  The class is always free and materials are provided. If you have flat wax nylon white, do bring it and some will be available to borrow   We welcome you beginners and have equipment for you  to use.    ~Elaine

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to Fly Name to see more information.

Date Fly Excerpt
Colorado King CaddisNov 13 6:30 pm - 8:30 pmColorado King Caddis

This dry fly pattern for trout can be tied in sizes 8 to 18, so will work in a great variety of places. I particularly like one of the larger sizes for using in the Rocky Mountains. We will use a larger hook for the class.  This is not a difficult fly to tie so you beginners should feel comfortable participating. The fly includes peccary, which is seldom used for tying flies. You more experienced tyers should find the technique using this material interesting. As always all the materials are provided and if you have 6/0 black thread, please bring it. We welcome you beginners and have equipment for you to use. Please sign up at the club meeting or call me at 831-234-6515.


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Black Smut Midge

by Fly tying chairman – Elaine Cook.

Midges are the main source of food for trout throughout the winter and even though they are very small, they are usually abundant. If you’re going to a spring creek or tailwater, you will want to have some in either this pattern or others. This is an adult midge, not easy to see on the water, so best to trail it off of a fly that you can see. You will be needing to use thin tippet such as 6X.
HOOK: TMC 101 size 20. This is a straight eye hook. Crimp barb.
THREAD: 12/0 or 14/0 black    Attached behind eye. Touching wraps to rear of shank.
BODY: beaver, black. Wrap a non-tapered body forward to one eye length behind eye.  Make one thread wrap backward onto body and let thread hang.
WINGS: 2 dark dun hackle tips from size 16 neck feathers. Position one on the far side of body with dark side outward and tips hook shank length. Tie in place. Repeat with other hackle tip on near side.
HACKLE: Grizzly saddle, hackle size 20.  Prepare butt end with “crew cut”. Tie in “crew cut” with light side facing you.  Several wraps of hackle in place.  Tie off cut access.
HEAD: Whip finish forming head. Cut thread.

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Profile–Eastern Sierra Land Trust

by Bob Garbarino

This month, we continue our profile series on one of the conservation organizations our club supports:  Eastern Sierra Land Trust

This organization is relevant in that the area affected by Eastern Sierra Land Trust’s efforts helps protect the fishery where one of our club fishouts takes place in the Mammoth Lakes and surrounding area. In fact several members of Santa Cruz Fly Fishing club will be there when this article is released.
Eastern Sierra Land Trust works with willing landowners to protect vital lands in the Eastern Sierra region for their scenic, agricultural, natural, recreational, historical, and watershed values. Rich in natural beauty, home to abundant wildlife, and steeped with history, the Eastern Sierra is a magnificent and complex region.  Wildlife habitat is plentiful and diverse, supporting fisheries, migrating deer herds, and important bird flyways. Historic working farms and ranches are scenic, productive, and an integral part of our local economy.
By partnering with forward-thinking landowners and conservation supporters like you, ESLT is able to permanently protect the land, water, and wildlife that make the Eastern Sierra so special. Since their founding in 2001, they have successfully conserved over 23,000 acres on 26 unique properties that provide important resources to wildlife and the local community.

What does a land trust do?
Land trusts work with private landowners and the public to conserve working farms and ranches, natural areas, and cultural and biological resources for the benefit of their communities. They may acquire lands through donation or purchase; set up voluntary land protection agreements (conservation easements) with willing landowners; or mediate land trades between landowners and public agencies.
Land trusts have existed for over 100 years; today, more than 1,300 are operating in the United States. Funded primarily by charitable donations and private or government grants, land trusts across the nation have cumulatively conserved more than 56 million acres – including scenic areas, hiking trails, critical wildlife habitats, farms and ranches, and historic landmarks. Most land trusts operate locally, providing crucial land-use tools for property owners and citizens concerned with conservation on private lands.

Working Farms & Ranches
The Working Farms and Ranches Program helps local families set up voluntary land conservation agreements that permanently protect their working lands from the threat of subdivision. The Eastern Sierra’s working farms and ranches are scenic, historic, and a vital part of the regional economy. They also offer important habitat to wildlife: many iconic or rare species use the Eastern Sierra’s irrigated meadows and open pastures as a place to roam, forage, and raise their young. Yet many families following the ranching traditions of their parents and grandparents are struggling. Rising pressures to subdivide are putting these productive lands at risk. They don’t want to see their land developed, but many are running out of options. Fortunately, conservation provides a solution – and a growing number of ranchers and farmers in the area are choosing to partner with Eastern Sierra Land Trust to conserve their land for the future. This is usually accomplished by using one of their primary conservation tools: the conservation easement. Under a conservation easement, landowners retain title and management of their property, while designating how their land may be used now and in the future. For example, landowners may want to protect their land’s current agricultural use in perpetuity by prohibiting any subdivision or land use that would compromise those protected qualities, while retaining all other property rights. Landowners also may benefit from significant tax advantages currently and for future generations.

Critical Habitats
Eastern Sierra Land Trust’s Critical Habitats Program helps protect and restore lands that wildlife need to survive – providing them with safe, healthy homes forever. As our population grows, poorly-planned development puts wildlife at risk. Subdivision of open lands chops up migration corridors, wetlands, and breeding grounds, leaving wild creatures with nowhere to go. The Critical Habitats Program helps ensure that the Eastern Sierra’s wild inhabitants will always have a place to thrive. They accomplish this through public education; habitat restoration and land stewardship; and legally-binding agreements, such as the conservation easement, that protect important habitat from the threat of future development. Concerned property owners in the Eastern Sierra are working with ESLT to conserve and restore wildlife habitat on their land. For example, in the community of Swall Meadows, several landowners have partnered with ESLT to protect a critical migration corridor for the Round Valley mule deer herd.

Community Connections
Eastern Sierra Land Trust’s Community Connections Program works to build bonds between families and the land. By getting people of all ages outdoors and educating them about the natural world, they cultivate a deep appreciation for our region and all that it offers.
At Eastern Sierra Land Trust, they know that preserving the Eastern Sierra goes beyond protecting land with legal tools. By introducing people of all ages to the value of conservation and by helping them develop deep bonds with this land, you’re ensuring that the work we do today will last long into the future. Outings such as the annual field trip to our local Mule Deer Migration Corridor, wildflower walks, birdwatching opportunities, and hands-on volunteer days get families out in nature, where they get to know the places and wildlife species that make the Eastern Sierra unique.

One recent activity was The Great Sierra River Cleanup—part of California Coastal Cleanup day. ESLT, Friends of the Inyo, and volunteers will remove trash along the Owens River on LADWP land near the Artesian Springs.

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Fishout Schedule – Oct

The newsletter provides brief fishout info.  For full detail, go to the website menu and select EVENTS -> Fishout Schedule

Date Activity Link DescriptionLocation
Sep 21 - Oct 05 12:00 amMammoth Fishout -Sept. 21-Oct.5

Fall trout fishing in streams and lakes. Trip is for seven days and the participants share a condo in Mammoth Lakes.

Mammoth Lakes
Oct 05 6:50 am - 8:50 amLast Surf Fishout of 2024!

Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers

Palm State Beach
Oct 17 - Oct 20 O'Neill Forebay 'Stosh' Memorial Fishout October 17-20th

Camping and striped bass fishing at the O’Neil Forebay.

Medeiros Primitive Campground – Oneill Forebay
Nov 01 - Nov 04 12:00 amTrinity River Fishout

Target: Steelhead and trout.  Contact Alex Ferber if you are interested in going on the trip, text Alex at (831) 419-0564  or 

Sep 21 : Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 21-Oct.5

Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 21-Oct.5
UPDATED - 9/16/2024 -  first week is full,  second week is full. Sign Ups: As a reminder, it is important to sign up early or this Fishout. Call John Cook letting him know which week, both or private room. Payment is required to secure our spot we need people to sign up as soon as possible. Should you need to cancel, you can find someone to take your place and get your money back. Contact Ph # (831) 234-6515 Fishmasters: John & Elaine Cook Dates:  This Fishout will take place over two consecutive one-week periods. You may sign up for one or both weeks. Week 1: Sept  21 - Sept 28 .       Week 2: Sept 28 - Oct 5. Location: The town of Mammoth Lakes is located on the eastern side of the Sierra, 6 or 7 hours drive from Santa Cruz. There are many lakes and streams in the area to fish. General: We will be staying in condominiums in the town of Mammoth Lakes. Condo has a lovely hot tub, so bring your suit. Two people per bedroom. Most people bring a sleeping bag to share queen size bed or a pad and sleeping bag to sleep on floor. A private room option is possible at an increased fee. Cost:  Shared single:  $450/wk, $900/2 wks,   Private room:  $800/wk,  $1,600/2 wks.   Dinner guests:  $20/meal Food Preparation: Breakfast and lunch items will be purchased by the Fishmaster ahead of time. Each person will be assigned a Kitchen Day. On that day, tasks will include setting out breakfast and lunch items, store unused food, and preparing the evening meal and clean up afterwards.   Each person will be assigned a dinner that you will need to purchase and prepare.   You will then be reimbursed for the cost for the dinner.   Read More

Oct 05 : Last Surf Fishout of 2024!

Location: Palm Beach Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers Gear: 6-8wt. Rods with full sinking lines or shooting heads to match the rod. Polarized glasses (safety), Mandatory Accessories: Wader Belt & Stripping Basket (If a basket is needed, some maybe available to borrow or purchase. Please contact the Fishmaster ahead of time. Also there are many DIY Stripping Basket making tutorials online) Single, double & triple fly rigs Clousers to sand crabs Directions: Take W. Beach St. in Watsonville towards Pajaro Dunes.   Park at the end of W. Beach St. on the right side of the road outside of the entrance to Pajaro Dunes.
SURF FISHOUTS 2024 Meeting    Time (AM) State Beach  Sunrise Low tide High tide Moon    Tide flow Fishmaster
MAY 4th Saturday 5:55 Rio Del Mar 6:10 LO 02:14  +1.1 HI 07:58 AM +4.0 New Jun  7 Hi Flood to High Slack Lance B
JUNE* 1st Saturday 5:35 Beercan* 5:50 LO 01:12 +1.3 HI 06:39 +3.4 New  Jun 6 High Slack to Ebb Sam
JULY 6th Saturday 5:40 Palm 5:56 LO 06:03 -1.1 HI 1:04 PM +3.7 New    Jul 5 Low slack to Flood Lance B
AUGUST 3rd Saturday 6:00 Rio Del Mar 6:15 LO 05:05 -0.7 HI 11:54 AM +3.8 New  Aug 4 Low slack to Flood Sam
SEPT 7th Saturday 6:25 Manresa 6:44 LO 07:04 +1.8 HI 1:26 PM +4.6 New  Sep 2 Low slack to low Flood Sam
OCT 5th Saturday 6:50 Palm 7:06 LO 05:50 + 2.1 HI Noon +5.0 New   Oct 2 Low Flood Sam
Notes: Meet up times are scheduled 15 - 20 minutes before official sunrise. Locations/dates/times/Fishmasters might change, notifications on Google Groups. June 1st* Mike Lovejoy's for breakfast after fishing:  115 Driftwood Ct., Aptos Contacts: Sam Bishop, 831-274-4024 Lance Boling <>
          Locations            Rio Del Mar State Beach - Google Map location for "Platform Beach"
           Beercan Beach* - Enter  1191 Via Palo Alto, Aptos. Path & Stairs  between Houses (See Notes)
           Palm Beach - Pajaro Dunes, end of West Beach St.
           Manresa State Beach - Google it, but parking may be on Ocean View Dr, 500 yards down the road
Tides Zen Read More

Oct 17 : O’Neill Forebay ‘Stosh’ Memorial Fishout October 17-20th

O'Neill Forebay 'Stosh' Memorial Fishout October 17-20th
Event: O'Neill Forebay 'Stosh' Memorial Fishout Date: October 17th - 20th (I will be looking for a weekend with a 'skinny' moon, less night feeding for the fish) Target Gamefish: Striped Bass Location: Medeiros Campground located on the Southern Shoreline of the O'Neill Forebay, access off of Santa Nella Blvd. (Highway 33) Hosts: Kevin Murdock   These are primitive campsites so bring your own water. There are tables, sun pavilions, and chemical toilets, or outhouses and fire rings. No open fires are allowed outside of the rings. Typically we will be camping as close to site 29 as we can get. This is a first come, first serve campground, so no reservations are accepted. Float tubes can be launched near the campsites, but boats must be first inspected, then launched from the San Luis Creek Boat launch. Boats may not be left on the lake overnight. Boaters would be wise to exit prior to the closing of the entry kiosk. The ranger can place a seal on your trailer, allowing you to bypass the inspection process the next morning. The rangers at the kiosk by the Medeiros entrance may insist that your float tubes need inspection. make sure they're clean & dry. Equipment: 8wt rods with fast sinking lines. Some anglers will occasionally use a floating line with a 'gurgler' type fly Flies: Lee Haskins San Luis smelt, 'Deceiver' type patterns in red, white, chartreuse, the aforementioned gurglers and poppers. Float tubes (may require inspection for quagga mussels) Fins, sunscreen, polarized glasses, life vest Links: A fly-fishing addict who fishes San Luis Reservoir and the Forebay. Long time local fishing guide.

Forebay Water level: There will be a signup sheet at our September meeting. We'll also create a list for those hoping to participate in a pot luck in honor of Steve 'Stosh' Rudzinski. Weather conditions can vary dramatically, so it would behoove members to check prior to departure. You could email me or just get conditions on-line. High winds can cause the lake to be closed to all vessels. This is one of our nearest Fishouts, with the possible payoff of a double digit fish! Don't miss out! Read More

Nov 01 : Trinity River Fishout

Trinity River Fishout
NOTE:   Contact Alex Ferber if you are interested in going on the trip.  After knowing how many people are interested, it will be easier to plan logistics (camping? motel?).    You can text Alex at (831) 419-0564  or  If you want to go on this trip, it is highly recommended to attend the Spey Classes.
The fishery:
Basically,  this is a Steelhead Trip. There are some resident trout, including some really nice brown trout. I  walk wade or float my raft,  depending on the river conditions. I personally use a Spey rod to swing flies.   Many people use indicators.  There are a lot of walk in spots to explore. The river can be floated with rafts or driftboats. There is a shuttle service available.
Single hand rods, 7-8 wt rods, using floating lines with indicator set up. Typical flies used are Egg patterns, Copper John's, Stonefly imitations like Rubberlegs,  Dark Perdigons. Sizes ranging from Size 8-14.
Spey or Switch rods, usually 5-6 wt in the Fall, I use a 7 wt in the winter. Skagit or Scandi heads, with floating to heavy sink tips, depending on the river conditions and season. Flies that work well include leeches, intruders, HoBo Spey, Traditionals, as well as dry fly patterns ( Skaters) in the early Fall.
The River:
The Trinity River is located aprox 1 hr west of Redding on  Hwy 299. Its a beautiful tailwater fishery, with flows controlled from the Lewiston Dam. This is where the hatchery can be found. It has many different faces, including some big water as it runs west. It meets up with the Klamath River on its journey to the ocean. It has an excellent run of both wild and hatchery fish, ranging from 5-7 #, with some larger fish in the  +10-12 # range. There are fish in the system year round, but typically a push of fish starts in late September and peaks in late November, with a second run usually in late December- March. The fishing remained really good thru the end of March last season. It is very flow dependant and can run quite low in the Fall, with occasional bumps in flows when there is precipitation. It can blow out on occasion, but clears pretty fast.
Weaverville is the closest town, where there are good restaurants, motels and a really nice Holiday Market. It's kinda the hub. There is an RV park in Weaverville,  but no campsites.
Camping is available in Douglas City  area as well as Junction City and further west on 299. The town of Douglas city doesn't have much, other than a small mini mart. Indian Creek Lodge is a few miles east of Douglas City. The town of Lewiston is just below the Lewiston dam. It offers some camping and motels. There is a really nice motel west of Junction City (I believe it is called Steelhead Lodge?). It's an excellent place to stay if one wishes to fish below Junction City.
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Restoring the Klamath River – Virtual Speaker

Sep 04 6:45 PM at the Aptos Grange
Zoom link:

Dr. Mark Rockwell has been working on environmental issues since 2001, when he retired from his Chiropractic Practice in Redwood City, CA. He’s been married 54 years and has 3 children.  In 2001 he became the V.P. of Conservation for the Northern California Council, Fly Fishers International (NCCFFI). In 2005, after returning from a lobby trip to D.C. on Snake River dam removal, he was invited to be the California Organizer of the Endangered Species Coalition (ESC), working to stop the Congressional effort to rewrite the Endangered Species Act (ESA).  He worked for 12 years for the ESC as the California Organizer, and then the Pacific Field Organizer in charge of California, Oregon and Washington field operations.  He has been in leadership for Fly Fishers International (FFI) since joining the Board of the Northern California Council, FFI in 2003, serving as V.P. of Conservation, and then President from 2018 to 2023. He continues today as the V.P. of Conservation, and has received the coveted FFI Conservation Leadership Award twice – 2007 & 2023.

He began working on Klamath river dam removal in 2003, signing the original Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA) & Klamath Hydropower Settlement Agreement (KHSA) agreements in 2010, and the current revised KHSA in 2015. It’s been a 20+ year collaborative
effort to provide the opportunity for the Klamath River to return to its historic greatness. In 2023 the license to operate the Klamath project was transferred and surrendered to the Klamath River Renewal Corporation, the entity formed to manage removal of the 4 dams and oversee restoration of the footprint lands of the project. As of early 2024, the Klamath is running free for the first time since 1918, and all dams will be off the river by the end of October 2024.

Mark continues to be focused on fishery & watershed conservation as his post-chiropractic life mission. “I spent my professional life treating spine and nervous system interference problems for my community in the San Francisco region for 25 years, and my post Chiropractic life working to improve our planet. Both of these efforts are done with a sense of love and caring. Conserving our great watersheds & fish is now my purpose. We owe it to our children & grandkids to pass along to them the same greatness & beauty we inherited.” ~ Dr. Mark Rockwell

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September Raffle and Door Prizes

Bad news first: Now that the Pandemic is over, we are no longer able to conduct our monthly raffle online.

The good news: We have a huge pile of raffle prizes and door prizes that we will be up for grabs at the regular monthly meeting to be held on Wednesday September 4th. Aptos Grange, 6 pm.
  • We will have a winners choice of a 5wt or 6wt or 7wt or 8wt rod and matching reel!
  • We also have a great Cadis float tube and a subscription to the re-born “California Fly Fisher”.
  • In addition to the raffle prizes there will be a bunch of great door prizes (everybody gets a free ticket) including a 6 pack of Bell’s “Two Hearted IPA”!
Don’t miss out, this will be a great start to our Fall fly fishing season.
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September Fly Tying Class: Punk Perch

by Elaine Cook - Fly Tying Chairman

Sep 11 6:30 PM @ Aptos Grange

Our class this month will feature a stillwater pattern for trout. If you’re going to Mammoth, you’ll want to have a few of these with you to fish Crowley. It’s a relatively easy fly to tie, so if you were thinking about learning to tie flies, come on down. We always have equipment available for people to borrow. All materials are provided and if you have black 8/0  and red 6/0 thread do bring them. The red will only be used for the head, so several bobbins will already have the red thread on them to share.

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to Fly Name to see more information.

Date Fly Excerpt
October Fly Tying Class: Adachi clouserOct 09 6:30 pm - 8:30 pmOctober Fly Tying Class: Adachi clouser

Our club member, Tommy Polito, is having much success in both the surf and forebay catching stripers using this fly.. He is also finding other fish species are attracted to the fly as well.  There have been many requests for our club members to have a class for tying clousers, so I’m glad to make that happen.  Please, as always, sign up at the next club meeting or call 831-234-6515.  The class is always free and materials are provided. If you have flat wax nylon white, do bring it and some will be available to borrow   We welcome you beginners and have equipment for you  to use.    ~Elaine

Colorado King CaddisNov 13 6:30 pm - 8:30 pmColorado King Caddis

This dry fly pattern for trout can be tied in sizes 8 to 18, so will work in a great variety of places. I particularly like one of the larger sizes for using in the Rocky Mountains. We will use a larger hook for the class.  This is not a difficult fly to tie so you beginners should feel comfortable participating. The fly includes peccary, which is seldom used for tying flies. You more experienced tyers should find the technique using this material interesting. As always all the materials are provided and if you have 6/0 black thread, please bring it. We welcome you beginners and have equipment for you to use. Please sign up at the club meeting or call me at 831-234-6515.

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by Elaine Cook - Fly Tying Chairman

This great stillwater trout pattern simulates a bait fish and in the past at Crowley Lake mimics the Sacramento perch, which thrives there. It’s the yellow in the body that shows through the mallard flank feather that gives it the same coloring as the fish. Use a sinking line and alter the strip to find what works.

HOOK: TMC 5263. Sizes 6 – 12.   Crimp barb.

THREAD: Black 6/0 or 8/0. Attached one quarterback on shank.

BODY: Flat silver tinsel. Tie in at slightly backward angle. Wrap to rear of shank with overlapping wraps, then forward in the same manner. Tie off, cut excess, tie down tag.

UNDER WING: Yellow marabou. Select feather with barbs equal to 1 1/2  hook shank long. NOTE: it’s easier to handle if it’s wet. Cut barbs from stem (a 1/2 inch to 1 inch section. Snugly tie, butt ends to top of shank. Tie down butt ends. Position thread 1/3 back on shank.

WING: Gray Maillard feathers. Select two mirror image feathers. At least 1 1/2  to 1 3/4  length of shank. Prepare feathers by:
1. Hold against hook so tips are at end of marabou.
2. Starting at hook eye, firmly stroke, barbs forward.
3. Cut stem at that point. Place one feather on far side and one on near side,  dark sides facing outward. Cut stem right behind hook eye. Tie and place up to hook eye then 1/3 back on shank.

EYE: Imitation jungle cock feathers. Size medium (30 mm) for  hook sizes 6–8, size small for hooks sizes 10–12. Remove two eyes from supporting paper. Position one on each side of body with stub beyond hook eye. See photo for positioning. Tie in place with snug wraps, cut excess tie down stubs.

HACKLE: Grizzly saddle or neck. Select feather, barbs equal to 1 1/2 hook gap. Prepare feather:
1. Cut off fuzzy end.
2. Stroke bars firmly toward cut end.
3. Cut short 5 to 6 barbs on each side of stem at butt end (butch hair cut). With shiny side facing you, tie in butch with tips of feather at end of marabou. Wrap thread forward to one hook eyed length behind hook eye. Wrap hackle forward, close wraps, forming a thick collar. (NOTE: use a second feather if needed.) Tie off, cut excess. Tie a thread head. Whip finish, cut thread. Apply glue to head.

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Conservation Profile–Saved By Nature

by Bob Garbarino

Before I present an introduction to this month’s profile of a new organization, I want to give you an update (see last month’s President’s Line in the newsletter) on recent accomplishments by our friends just south at Carmel River Steelhead Association. Each year during summer when the creeks feeding the Carmel River start drying-up, an ambitious group of well equipped and knowledgeable core leaders, with the assistance of helper volunteers hit the water with a mission. The goal is to capture as many as possible young-of-year and juvenile (1+ year) steelies from soon to be dried-up reaches of creek that is cut off from the Carmel River. As of this writing, they have rescued over 7,000 fish and inserted over 600 PIT tags. Scott Kitayama and I were able to make it down there to help a couple of times. Hopefully some more of our club members will be able to join-in sometime. It’s very gratifying to help give these iconic fish a chance.

Saved by Nature

Founder Richard Tejeda worked with MBSTP (one of their community partners). They organize outdoor activities like hiking, fishing, backpacking, boat tours, camping for all ages including adult reentry for incarcerated people.
Their mission is to expose and connect people of all backgrounds, ethnicities, and abilities to the natural wonders & recreational opportunities of the outdoors. We collaborate with partners to ensure mental, physical, and spiritual healing in nature.  
Their vision is to create a world free of barriers and equitable access to nature for all. We inspire environmental and social justice and advocate for the protection of our earth through outdoor education.
Saved By Nature works within our parks and preserves to provide a variety of unique environmental programs that educate residents about climate change, and protecting the air that we breathe and water that we drink. Providing a cohesive system of support for Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Mateo, Alameda, Monterey, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, Solano, and Sonoma counties. Ensuring residents have a high quality, multilingual and multicultural outdoor nature experience.
Saved By Nature’s Dock of the Bay project is set to involve 600 individuals from underrepresented communities of color, across all age groups, in 20 exciting excursions along the breathtaking coasts of San Francisco and Monterey Bay. Participants will have the opportunity to partake in a diverse range of activities such as fishing, crabbing, kayaking, camping, boat tours, backpacking, kite flying, and hiking adventures.
This initiative has been carefully designed to bring people of different generations together, enabling them to explore and appreciate the scenic coastal region while empowering them with the necessary skills and confidence to become stewards of the area and engage in restorative practices that foster joy and healing.  A sampling of some activities this year included;
Santa Cruz Wharf – Halibut Fishing on Santa Cruz Wharf
Manresa State Beach – Hike In Tent Camping and Surf Fishing
Oyster Point Park – Pier fishing for Sturgeon and Bar-b-que
Cooley Landing Park – Bay Fishing for Shark and Bat Ray
The SCFF conservation committee believes that Saved By Nature, with their commitment to engaging all generations—including those that may have limited opportunities—to get out in nature and hopefully learn to be stewards of the environment—including our fisheries.

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Fishout Schedule – September

The newsletter provides brief fishout info.  For full detail, go to the website menu and select EVENTS -> Fishout Schedule

Date Activity Link DescriptionLocation
Sep 07 6:25 am - 9:25 amManresa Beach

Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers

Manresa State Beach
Sep 21 - Oct 05 12:00 amMammoth Fishout -Sept. 21-Oct.5

Fall trout fishing in streams and lakes. Trip is for seven days and the participants share a condo in Mammoth Lakes.

Mammoth Lakes
Oct 05 6:50 am - 8:50 amLast Surf Fishout of 2024!

Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers

Palm State Beach
Oct 17 - Oct 20 O'Neill Forebay 'Stosh' Memorial Fishout October 17-20th

Camping and striped bass fishing at the O’Neil Forebay.

Medeiros Primitive Campground – Oneill Forebay
Nov 01 - Nov 04 12:00 amTrinity River Fishout

Target: Steelhead and trout.  Contact Alex Ferber if you are interested in going on the trip, text Alex at (831) 419-0564  or 

Sep 07 : Manresa Beach

Location: Manresa State Beach Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers Gear: 6-8wt. Rods with full sinking lines or shooting heads to match the rod. Polarized glasses (safety), Mandatory Accessories: Wader Belt & Stripping Basket (If a basket is needed, some maybe available to borrow or purchase. Please contact the Fishmaster ahead of time. Also there are many DIY Stripping Basket making tutorials online) Single, double & triple fly rigs Clousers to sand crabs Directions (updated): Take San Andreas Road off Highway 1 all the way past the Manresa State Park entrance and keep going another 300 yards and turn right on Oceanview Dr. Follow that around to the right to the parking lot.
SURF FISHOUTS 2024 Meeting    Time (AM) State Beach  Sunrise Low tide High tide Moon    Tide flow Fishmaster
MAY 4th Saturday 5:55 Rio Del Mar 6:10 LO 02:14  +1.1 HI 07:58 AM +4.0 New Jun  7 Hi Flood to High Slack Lance B
JUNE* 1st Saturday 5:35 Beercan* 5:50 LO 01:12 +1.3 HI 06:39 +3.4 New  Jun 6 High Slack to Ebb Sam
JULY 6th Saturday 5:40 Palm 5:56 LO 06:03 -1.1 HI 1:04 PM +3.7 New    Jul 5 Low slack to Flood Lance B
AUGUST 3rd Saturday 6:00 Rio Del Mar 6:15 LO 05:05 -0.7 HI 11:54 AM +3.8 New  Aug 4 Low slack to Flood Sam
SEPT 7th Saturday 6:25 Manresa 6:44 LO 07:04 +1.8 HI 1:26 PM +4.6 New  Sep 2 Low slack to low Flood Sam
OCT 5th Saturday 6:50 Palm 7:06 LO 05:50 + 2.1 HI Noon +5.0 New   Oct 2 Low Flood Sam
Notes: Meet up times are scheduled 15 - 20 minutes before official sunrise. Locations/dates/times/Fishmasters might change, notifications on Google Groups. June 1st* Mike Lovejoy's for breakfast after fishing:  115 Driftwood Ct., Aptos Contacts: Sam Bishop, 831-274-4024                                         Lance Boling <>
          Locations            Rio Del Mar State Beach - Google Map location for "Platform Beach"
           Beercan Beach* - Enter  1191 Via Palo Alto, Aptos. Path & Stairs  between Houses (See Notes)
           Palm Beach - Pajaro Dunes, end of West Beach St.
           Manresa State Beach - Google it, but parking may be on Ocean View Dr, 500 yards down the road
Tides Zen Read More

Sep 21 : Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 21-Oct.5

Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 21-Oct.5
UPDATED - 9/16/2024 -  first week is full,  second week is full. Sign Ups: As a reminder, it is important to sign up early or this Fishout. Call John Cook letting him know which week, both or private room. Payment is required to secure our spot we need people to sign up as soon as possible. Should you need to cancel, you can find someone to take your place and get your money back. Contact Ph # (831) 234-6515 Fishmasters: John & Elaine Cook Dates:  This Fishout will take place over two consecutive one-week periods. You may sign up for one or both weeks. Week 1: Sept  21 - Sept 28 .       Week 2: Sept 28 - Oct 5. Location: The town of Mammoth Lakes is located on the eastern side of the Sierra, 6 or 7 hours drive from Santa Cruz. There are many lakes and streams in the area to fish. General: We will be staying in condominiums in the town of Mammoth Lakes. Condo has a lovely hot tub, so bring your suit. Two people per bedroom. Most people bring a sleeping bag to share queen size bed or a pad and sleeping bag to sleep on floor. A private room option is possible at an increased fee. Cost:  Shared single:  $450/wk, $900/2 wks,   Private room:  $800/wk,  $1,600/2 wks.   Dinner guests:  $20/meal Food Preparation: Breakfast and lunch items will be purchased by the Fishmaster ahead of time. Each person will be assigned a Kitchen Day. On that day, tasks will include setting out breakfast and lunch items, store unused food, and preparing the evening meal and clean up afterwards.   Each person will be assigned a dinner that you will need to purchase and prepare.   You will then be reimbursed for the cost for the dinner.   Read More

Oct 05 : Last Surf Fishout of 2024!

Location: Palm Beach Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers Gear: 6-8wt. Rods with full sinking lines or shooting heads to match the rod. Polarized glasses (safety), Mandatory Accessories: Wader Belt & Stripping Basket (If a basket is needed, some maybe available to borrow or purchase. Please contact the Fishmaster ahead of time. Also there are many DIY Stripping Basket making tutorials online) Single, double & triple fly rigs Clousers to sand crabs Directions: Take W. Beach St. in Watsonville towards Pajaro Dunes.   Park at the end of W. Beach St. on the right side of the road outside of the entrance to Pajaro Dunes.
SURF FISHOUTS 2024 Meeting    Time (AM) State Beach  Sunrise Low tide High tide Moon    Tide flow Fishmaster
MAY 4th Saturday 5:55 Rio Del Mar 6:10 LO 02:14  +1.1 HI 07:58 AM +4.0 New Jun  7 Hi Flood to High Slack Lance B
JUNE* 1st Saturday 5:35 Beercan* 5:50 LO 01:12 +1.3 HI 06:39 +3.4 New  Jun 6 High Slack to Ebb Sam
JULY 6th Saturday 5:40 Palm 5:56 LO 06:03 -1.1 HI 1:04 PM +3.7 New    Jul 5 Low slack to Flood Lance B
AUGUST 3rd Saturday 6:00 Rio Del Mar 6:15 LO 05:05 -0.7 HI 11:54 AM +3.8 New  Aug 4 Low slack to Flood Sam
SEPT 7th Saturday 6:25 Manresa 6:44 LO 07:04 +1.8 HI 1:26 PM +4.6 New  Sep 2 Low slack to low Flood Sam
OCT 5th Saturday 6:50 Palm 7:06 LO 05:50 + 2.1 HI Noon +5.0 New   Oct 2 Low Flood Sam
Notes: Meet up times are scheduled 15 - 20 minutes before official sunrise. Locations/dates/times/Fishmasters might change, notifications on Google Groups. June 1st* Mike Lovejoy's for breakfast after fishing:  115 Driftwood Ct., Aptos Contacts: Sam Bishop, 831-274-4024 Lance Boling <>
          Locations            Rio Del Mar State Beach - Google Map location for "Platform Beach"
           Beercan Beach* - Enter  1191 Via Palo Alto, Aptos. Path & Stairs  between Houses (See Notes)
           Palm Beach - Pajaro Dunes, end of West Beach St.
           Manresa State Beach - Google it, but parking may be on Ocean View Dr, 500 yards down the road
Tides Zen Read More

Oct 17 : O’Neill Forebay ‘Stosh’ Memorial Fishout October 17-20th

O'Neill Forebay 'Stosh' Memorial Fishout October 17-20th
Event: O'Neill Forebay 'Stosh' Memorial Fishout Date: October 17th - 20th (I will be looking for a weekend with a 'skinny' moon, less night feeding for the fish) Target Gamefish: Striped Bass Location: Medeiros Campground located on the Southern Shoreline of the O'Neill Forebay, access off of Santa Nella Blvd. (Highway 33) Hosts: Kevin Murdock   These are primitive campsites so bring your own water. There are tables, sun pavilions, and chemical toilets, or outhouses and fire rings. No open fires are allowed outside of the rings. Typically we will be camping as close to site 29 as we can get. This is a first come, first serve campground, so no reservations are accepted. Float tubes can be launched near the campsites, but boats must be first inspected, then launched from the San Luis Creek Boat launch. Boats may not be left on the lake overnight. Boaters would be wise to exit prior to the closing of the entry kiosk. The ranger can place a seal on your trailer, allowing you to bypass the inspection process the next morning. The rangers at the kiosk by the Medeiros entrance may insist that your float tubes need inspection. make sure they're clean & dry. Equipment: 8wt rods with fast sinking lines. Some anglers will occasionally use a floating line with a 'gurgler' type fly Flies: Lee Haskins San Luis smelt, 'Deceiver' type patterns in red, white, chartreuse, the aforementioned gurglers and poppers. Float tubes (may require inspection for quagga mussels) Fins, sunscreen, polarized glasses, life vest Links: A fly-fishing addict who fishes San Luis Reservoir and the Forebay. Long time local fishing guide.

Forebay Water level: There will be a signup sheet at our September meeting. We'll also create a list for those hoping to participate in a pot luck in honor of Steve 'Stosh' Rudzinski. Weather conditions can vary dramatically, so it would behoove members to check prior to departure. You could email me or just get conditions on-line. High winds can cause the lake to be closed to all vessels. This is one of our nearest Fishouts, with the possible payoff of a double digit fish! Don't miss out! Read More

Nov 01 : Trinity River Fishout

Trinity River Fishout
NOTE:   Contact Alex Ferber if you are interested in going on the trip.  After knowing how many people are interested, it will be easier to plan logistics (camping? motel?).    You can text Alex at (831) 419-0564  or  If you want to go on this trip, it is highly recommended to attend the Spey Classes.
The fishery:
Basically,  this is a Steelhead Trip. There are some resident trout, including some really nice brown trout. I  walk wade or float my raft,  depending on the river conditions. I personally use a Spey rod to swing flies.   Many people use indicators.  There are a lot of walk in spots to explore. The river can be floated with rafts or driftboats. There is a shuttle service available.
Single hand rods, 7-8 wt rods, using floating lines with indicator set up. Typical flies used are Egg patterns, Copper John's, Stonefly imitations like Rubberlegs,  Dark Perdigons. Sizes ranging from Size 8-14.
Spey or Switch rods, usually 5-6 wt in the Fall, I use a 7 wt in the winter. Skagit or Scandi heads, with floating to heavy sink tips, depending on the river conditions and season. Flies that work well include leeches, intruders, HoBo Spey, Traditionals, as well as dry fly patterns ( Skaters) in the early Fall.
The River:
The Trinity River is located aprox 1 hr west of Redding on  Hwy 299. Its a beautiful tailwater fishery, with flows controlled from the Lewiston Dam. This is where the hatchery can be found. It has many different faces, including some big water as it runs west. It meets up with the Klamath River on its journey to the ocean. It has an excellent run of both wild and hatchery fish, ranging from 5-7 #, with some larger fish in the  +10-12 # range. There are fish in the system year round, but typically a push of fish starts in late September and peaks in late November, with a second run usually in late December- March. The fishing remained really good thru the end of March last season. It is very flow dependant and can run quite low in the Fall, with occasional bumps in flows when there is precipitation. It can blow out on occasion, but clears pretty fast.
Weaverville is the closest town, where there are good restaurants, motels and a really nice Holiday Market. It's kinda the hub. There is an RV park in Weaverville,  but no campsites.
Camping is available in Douglas City  area as well as Junction City and further west on 299. The town of Douglas city doesn't have much, other than a small mini mart. Indian Creek Lodge is a few miles east of Douglas City. The town of Lewiston is just below the Lewiston dam. It offers some camping and motels. There is a really nice motel west of Junction City (I believe it is called Steelhead Lodge?). It's an excellent place to stay if one wishes to fish below Junction City.
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NCCFFI Hall of Fame dinner, Nov 9th

UDPATE:   Working with the NCCFFI board and with the help of September speaker, Mark Rockwell,  the price of a seat for the HOF at the SCFF table is $115 which is a $45 saving compared to the ticket price on the NCCFFI website.  To take advantage of this great offer, please send an email note to and send a check to Jim Tolonen c/o Santa Cruz Fly Fishing, PO Box 2008, Santa Cruz, CA  95065.

The Winner of the 2024 Hall of Fame Award is: Mike Mercer

Continue reading NCCFFI Hall of Fame dinner, Nov 9th

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August BBQ 2024

Aug 07 6:00 PM at the Aptos Grange Club BBQ 2024

For our August meeting, we’ll get together for our annual summer B-B-Q. This year, we’ll meet at 6:00 pm at the Aptos Grange. The club will host a burger and hot-dog cookout with all the fixings along chips, water and sodas. We suggest a $5 donation for the dinner.

Adult beverages will not be offered. Feel free to bring your own. This meeting is a great opportunity to meet and greet in person.

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August Random thoughts

A couple of Wednesday’s ago, I caught more steelhead than ever in my life.  Instead of a fly rod, an electroshock rod was put in the water and we scooped up 2 inch  “Young of the Year” to move them from a “soon-to-be-dried-up-tributary”  to the main section of the Carmel River.  On that day, the Carmel River Steelhead Association and volunteers gave over 300 fish a chance to survive.   They are doing a few rescues over the next few weeks if you want to volunteer.  

image by Sage Ono, @sageonophotography on instagram

We live in the best place.  On Sunday morning, my wife put on a down coat and I put on a sweater so that we could walk the beach.   By noon, blue sky was starting to appear and the high temperature at my house was 68 degrees.  Perfect.    Earlier in the week, I was in Tahoe and was shocked that the low temperature was 68 degrees and then it got hot!   Tried fishing some streams flowing into Lake Tahoe, but stopped by 10:00 am because the water was getting too warm.

I was able to attend July’s fly tying class where Jesse Collins taught a beaded nymph pattern and  it was nice to see new members there.  Also saw new members taking advantage of the Fly Casting clinic which was run by Alex Ferber with assistance from Sam Bishop.  Relatively new to the club, both Jesse and Alex have really helped the club in teaching classes and hosting fishouts.     

 On August 7th, we will have the annual summer BBQ at the Aptos Grange starting at 6:00 pm.  Hope to see you  there!

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August Fly Tying Class: Sierra Bright Dot

by Elaine Cook - Fly Tying Chairman

Aug 14 6:30 PM @ Aptos Grange

Summer and fall are the best times to use this trout fly. It’s best used in small streams where the water is not real turbulent. The Sierras are great for this fly. It also works well in stillwater and quiet parts of rivers.
The class is free and materials provided. If you have 8/0 black thread, please bring it. As always, bring your vice and tools.

For you beginners, there will be what you need to participate and you are always welcome and encouraged to come. Be sure to bring prescription glasses and if you have magnification, bring that as well.

Sign ups are important so that the amount of material will be adequate. You can do that at the club meeting or calling by the day before the class. 831-234-6515 or 831-688-1561.

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to Fly Name to see more information.

Date Fly Excerpt
Sep 11 6:30 pm - 8:30 pmSeptember Fly Tying Class: Punk Perch

Our class this month will feature a stillwater pattern for trout. If you’re going to Mammoth, you’ll want to have a few of these with you to fish Crowley. It’s a relatively easy fly to tie, so if you were thinking about learning to tie flies, come on down. We always have equipment available for people to borrow. All materials are provided and if you have black 8/0  and red 6/0 thread do bring them. The red will only be used for the head, so several bobbins will already have the red thread on them to share.

October Fly Tying Class: Adachi clouserOct 09 6:30 pm - 8:30 pmOctober Fly Tying Class: Adachi clouser

Our club member, Tommy Polito, is having much success in both the surf and forebay catching stripers using this fly.. He is also finding other fish species are attracted to the fly as well.  There have been many requests for our club members to have a class for tying clousers, so I’m glad to make that happen.  Please, as always, sign up at the next club meeting or call 831-234-6515.  The class is always free and materials are provided. If you have flat wax nylon white, do bring it and some will be available to borrow   We welcome you beginners and have equipment for you  to use.    ~Elaine

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Easy Foam Hopper

by Elaine Cook - Fly Tying Chairman

As summer wears on hoppers are getting bigger and become available to trout as the grass dries and the only green left, that the hoppers eat, is near water. Needless to say they are a big source of protein which makes them particularly attractive to trout and bass. There is a good demonstration on the web for tying this fly, but it’s without any sound. Watching the video and reading my helpful hints below I believe you will be able to successfully tie the fly. Look it up by name: “Tying an easy foam hopper”

HOOK: TMC 5263 size 10.

THREAD: 6/0 color to match body (tan, yellow, green, brown, and even blue).

BODY: 2mm foam.  Cut strip slightly wider than hook gap. Position rounded end hook shank beyond rear of hook. Poke both holes using a bodkin instead of scissors. Apply glue to the thread wraps on the shank, as well as the foam on each side of those thread wraps. After folding foam backward to form the head, squeeze to prevent gap between layers.

OVER WING: EP fibers or spooled Antron work well. My  picture is made with EP fibers.

INDICATOR: White 2 mm foam. Cut strip slightly narrower than body.

LEGS: Round rubber legs, color to match body or have some fun with stripes and a different colors.  Take a look at the samples. Please note: I didn’t do a great job with positioning the  knot in the legs.  Look at sample in the video. Rubber legs need some explanation. Use about 6 inches, fold in half, tie a knot near the fold and cinch down tight. Cut the loop near the knot. The doubled up rubber legs will be tied in, and position the knot beyond the end of the hook. After tying in, cut short one leg on each side in front. Don’t forget when completing the fly to add a dab of glue to the knots in the legs.

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Profile–Restore the Delta

by Bob Garbarino

This month, as part of our mission to inform our membership about conservation organizations we support, we have a look into Restore the Delta.
Mission: To ensure the health of the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary and Delta communities.


Restore the Delta works in the areas of public education, program and policy development, and outreach so that all Californians recognize the Sacramento-San Joaquin Bay Delta as part of California’s natural heritage, deserving of restoration. They interface with local, state and federal agencies.
They envision the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta as a place where a vibrant local economy, tourism, recreation, farming, wildlife, and fisheries thrive as a result of resident efforts to protect our waterways. They seek water quality protections for all communities, particularly environmental justice communities and California tribes, as well as community protections from flood and drought impacts.
Their goal is to connect communities to regional rivers and to empower communities to become the guardians of the estuary through participation in government planning, community science and waterway monitoring, and a sustainable local economy. They work to build the next generation of water leaders by developing programs in science, land and water management, and the green economy. They work for a Delta with waters that are fishable, swimmable, and drinkable, and farmable. They envision improvements in the Delta as opportunities for Delta tribes, Delta farming communities, and environmental justice communities to gain greater equity in decision making and to share in the benefits from area natural resources management.
Based in the Delta, California, Restore the Delta has worked since 2006 in the areas of public education and outreach and has grown to over 75,000 regular followers throughout California.
Delta Conveyance Project—The Delta tunnel has taken the form of previous water conveyance projects in the past, like the Peripheral Canal idea that was rejected by California voters way back in 1982 and California WaterFix that died in 2019. Currently known as the Delta Conveyance Project, the proposal would construct two new water intake facilities on the Sacramento River in the North Delta to fill a single tunnel that would divert freshwater flows. That water would be shipped to large farming operations and water wholesalers south of the Delta. The Delta Conveyance project would divert up to 6,000 cubic feet of water per second. The project is estimated to cost between $16-40 billion and won’t be completed until at least 2040. The California Department of Water Resources published the final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the Delta Conveyance Project on December 8, 2023, and published a Notice of Determination (NOD) on December 21, 2023. The NOD is the final administrative published record for a proposed project by the lead agency, which in this case is the Department of Water Resources.
Reviewing the prior Draft EIR, Restore the Delta identified 17 significant and unavoidable impacts of the proposed tunnel project on the environment that were not accounted for in the Draft EIR. Among these impacts will be the loss of prime agricultural farmland, loss of local non-tribal cultural resources, transportation and air quality impacts, and painful loss of tribal cultural resources.
The recently certified final EIR still largely ignores the project’s impacts on Delta urban environmental justice communities, how construction will ruin small Delta farming towns, and the natural resources essential to the cultural and spiritual practices of Delta tribes.
On January 22, 2023, Restore the Delta with a coalition of environmental and Tribal organizations took legal action against the California Department of Water Resources following the certification and approval of the FEIR for its violation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The CEQA case includes 13 CEQA violations. The groups claim that after the approval of the project from the agency, it failed to consider the extensive, disparate effects the project would inflict upon communities and wildlife, such as Tribal and other historically marginalized communities and endangered fish species, including Chinook salmon and steelhead.
The groups taking legal action against the Department of Water Resources include The Bay Institute, California Indian Environmental Alliance, Golden State Salmon Association, Restore the Delta, San Francisco Baykeeper, and the Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians.
Because the delta is such crucial component that impacts the health of many the fisheries in California, in makes sense for SCFF to support Restore the Delta.  Thanks to member Robert Ransdell for suggesting that we consider Restore the Delta.

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New Way to Fish Pyramid

Greetings fellow Santa Cruz Fly Fishing Club Members,
I have been leading the Pyramid Lake fishing trip for the past ten years. It has always been a remarkable fish out, and one of the best attended too. However the past three years have been very challenging and we have not caught very many fish and people have come away disappointed with the outcome.
I have fished the lake for twenty five years and the recent lack of success over the past few years have made me really think about whether or not it is worth the effort to fish Pyramid. Years past I would make multiple trips to the lake at all different times of the year. It is winter fishery opening October 1st and closing June 30th. I have always had success and the hunt for a big Lahontan trout always motivated me to get out there and fish. So, fast forward to today and I have had to rethink my whole approach to fishing Pyramid.
That leads me to a new discovery about how to fish Pyramid Lake. Jeff Goyertte, a club member and our raffle coordinator took a recent trip to the lake and fished with Rob Anderson, a long time guide on Pyramid. He went on the trip in early to mid June of this year. They fished from float tubes, and with fly gear that was not the typical set up that we are accustomed to using to catch these big trout . Well he did extremely well and when he told me about his experience, it peaked my curiosity.
Jeff was kind enough to put me in touch with Rob Anderson. I had a good conversation with him and I think it is worth exploring a fish out with Rob in June of 2025. He can take out as many as 15 people on float tubes. It is $350 for two and a half days. The first day people arrive at a beach along the lake where Rob sets up a camp. This first day is really a prep day where the guides provide training on how to fish from your float tube for these big trout. You would be responsible for your own lodging whether you camp on the beach or go back to a hotel or stay at Pyramid Lodge. Rob provides breakfast and lunch for your $350 fee. We would more than likely go in early June.
I have attached a couple of videos that are very helpful in explaining Rob’s whole approach to fishing Pyramid Lake. They are done quite well and worth watching.
So this is a whole new deal. The old fish out would be replaced by this one. And it would be a different experience. If you have any interest please contact me at 831 706-5556 or email at
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NCCFFI Hall of Fame dinner

Dear Santa Cruz Fly Fishers,

This letter is to inform you about the upcoming NCCFFI event, the 2024 Hall of Fame dinner, and ask for your support.  This year’s selectee is Mike Mercer, the acclaimed fly tyer from Redding.  The event will be on Saturday, November 9th, 2024, at the Veterans Memorial building in Lafayette, near Walnut Creek.

This event was started back in 1987, with Jack Horner & E.C. Powell being inducted.  It had been an annual event until 2015 when the Council stopped having it.  After several years of requests to start it again, we are doing so this year.

Many of your members are likely not even aware of Hall of Fame since many are new to the club since 2015 or have simply forgotten about it.  We believe strongly they would at least like to know it is happening and be able to attend.

The primary reasons for filling the venue – 200 people – is to once again honor one of fly fishing’s greats – Mike Mercer – and to support the sport of fly fishing and the Northern California Council.  It’s especially important that we take a moment to honor our industrious fly-fishing celebrities, and just have a fun evening together, telling stories, meeting other greats who will attend, and supporting our Council.

HOF Dinner

Trip Auction

 Will you help us get the word out to your club members? Here is our plan:

  • Each month we will send to you an article about the Hall of Fame, and we ask that you get it printed in your newsletter, and please post it to your website and social media. (Send them the August article – Attached)
  • At each of your club meetings from here until November 9th, please discuss it, reminding people of the date & location, as well as why it will be fun to attend.
  • The $150 price per ticket may seem relatively high, but our goal is to have an elegant event, in a great location, with many great prizes to be auctioned off to those attending.
  • The goal of the event is to raise money for NCCFFI so we can keep our doors open and continue to represent fly fishing with state and federal agencies, oversee and participate in Conservation work like the Klamath River, and continue the FFI traditions on teaching fly casting, fly tying, and coordinating a national program.
  • This is our major annual fundraiser, and we want to make it a success, and we can’t do that without you and your club.

 Purchasing a Table representing your club.

  • We’d also ask you to consider buying a club table for 8.  We are offering an $80.00 discount  ($10 per ticket) if you do this.  We also know if you come as a club everyone will have more fun together and have interplay with the other clubs who come.  It’s just more fun!
  • Purchasing a table:  Get your members who want to come to pay your club the discounted ticket cost – $140 each – send one check ($1,120) to our treasurer, Tom Smith, NCCFFI Treasurer, P.O. Box 7231, Reno, NV, 89510-7231.  We will need all names for check in at the dinner (we will send a form to fill out names, e-mail addresses & phone numbers for the 8 attendees) once your club signs up for a table.

We’ll look forward to seeing you at the event.  We promise, you’ll really enjoy the evening, and you’ll be supporting fly fishing greatness, as well as supporting our Council.  Check out the attached details about the event & auction items.

Thank You!

Ron Beltramo

NCCFFI Executive Board Member

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Trout Unlimited Meeting

Jun 19 6:30 PM at the Aptos Grange
Zoom link:

TU Meeting at Aptos Grange on June 19th

Trout Unlimited Steinbeck Country Chapter (Central Coast of California) membership meeting announcement.
Please join us for a hybrid General Membership meeting on June 19th.
Date:  June 19
Time:  6:30 – 8:00
In Person Location:  Aptos Grange, 2555 Mar Vista Dr, Aptos, CA  95003
Zoom option:  Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 882 9562 6770

6:00 Gather and Social Time
6:30 Call to Order and Introduction by Christy Fischer, Chapter President
7:00 Presentation: Current and Future of the Klamath River – After the Dams are Gone – Latest news and Vision for the Future Presentation by Tommy Williams, SW NOAA Science Center
7:45 Presentation: Carmel River / Rancho Canada Floodplain Project – Turning a Golf Course into a Natural River on the Central Coast Presentation by Tim Frahm, Trout Unlimited
8:00 Wrap up by Christy Fischer – What’s next for the Chapter

Our lead presenter for this meeting is Tommy Williams who is a research biologist at the National Marine Fisheries Service’s (NMFS) Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC) for the past 24 years, Tommy serves as the lead for the SWFSC on issues related to planning, and science issues regarding the removal of four dams on the Klamath River.  He knows the river, the landscape, the politics, the current conditions and the potential for recovery of cold-water fisheries.

Also presenting will be Tim Frahm, TU Central Coast Steelhead Project Manager discussing the ambitious Carmel River Floodplain Restoration Project (largest such project on the California Coast) which will commence construction next summer (2-year effort).


Date:  July 10th

Time:  Doors Open at 6:15pm

Place:  Place: Aptos Grange, 2555 Mar Vista Dr, Aptos 95003

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CDC Jig Style Hairs Ear Nymph

by by Instructor Jesse Collins

Description of Fly: This is my favorite all around nymph pattern. It is very versatile and has accounted for many large trout around the US. From central Pennsylvania spring creeks, Appalachian mountain streams, Putah Creek and Hamilton Branch in California, to the Beaverhead River in Montana…it just produces fish. It is perfect in smaller sizes for picky spring creek fish and in larger sizes it makes a great point fly for czech style nymphing. The jig head keeps the hook riding up which keeps the hook point sharper and reduces snags. The CDC collar traps bubbles and looks very buggy. This is a great all around pattern for mayflies, smaller stoneflies, and even caddis pupa.

Class is free

Provided: All materials except thread (some will be available for beginners), instructions, demonstration, and helpful assistance.

Bring: Olive, pink, or grey 70 denier or 8/0 thread, vise, tools, magnification, and glasses as needed. (some will be available for beginners) who are always welcome.

Sign Up: Call instructor at least 24 hrs ahead: Jesse Collins: 831-227-9987

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Green Flashy Clouser

by Elaine Cook - fly tying chairman

The clouser fly is designed to go after stripers either our local surf, Delta, O’Neill Forbay. and other waters that hold stripers. This is a style of tying a fly, and there are many different this one has been used successfully in the past at the Forbay and since fish are going for larger fish now this pattern has been increased in size.
HOOK: Mustard 34007 size 1/0 and 2/0.     Crimp bar
THREAD: white strong thread Such as: 3/0 monocord, flat waxed nylon, Dannille 2/0, Ultra thread 140 denier    Attach 1/3 back shank. Lay down thread base halfway to eye. Position thread 1/4 back on shank.
EYES: barbell eyes, either white or red with black pupil  Sizes 1/30 or 1/40 ounce. Attached to top of shank with figure 8 wraps and snug parachute wraps. Apply superglue, or similar. Allow to dry. leave thread hanging in front barbells.
LOWER BODY: chartreuse crystal flash. NOTE: for this and other materials being used, moisten for easy handling.Place center of 14 strands on top of shank where thread hangs. Make two thread wraps, move thread to behind barbells. Fold forward strands backward over top of barbells. Wrap, snuggly and place. advance thread to in front of barbells. Cut length to 2 1/2 inches from front of hookeye.
LOWER BODY CONTINUED: Mega Baitfish Emulator, flash pearl color. Get from Hairline Dubbin Inc.    NOTE: this material comes with ends stitch to a cloth strip. Cut a 5/8 inch piece of cloth strip. Hold material as a bundle, cut off cloth drip. Lay  center of bundle on top of shank and attached the same as crystal flash. advance thread to in front of barbells. cut to length of crystal flash
LOWER BODY CONTINUED: white bucktail.    Use clump about 3/4 the diameter of a wooden matchstick. Even tips by pulling out long tip fibers and stacking them on other fibers. Position tips at rear ends of mega bait fish. Secure in place with several snug thread wraps in front of barbells. Cut butt ends at an angle behind hookeye.. Tie down butt ends and trim any whiskers. Build up a thread nose with many thread wraps. Bring bundle over barbells snuggly tied down, keeping bundle on top of shank. With finish, cut thread, apply zap gap to all thread wraps and deer hair over bar bills. Allowed to dry.
UPPER BODY: Fire Fly peacock color,   Turn hook upside down. Reattached thread behind hook eye. Place center of bundle on top of shank where thread hangs.Make 2 thread wraps. Fold forward fibers backward. With touching thread wraps, tie in place back to barbells, then forward to hookeye. Whip  finish, cut thread. Apply glue to all thread wraps. Trimfibers to length of mega beta fish.



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Stanislaus Fly Fishers Swap Meet Announcement

by Paul Wallace Stanislaus Fly Fishers Board Member

Stanislaus Fly Fishers is having a Swap Meet instead of their July Meeting.

The event is Tuesday July 9th, 6pm at the Tuolumne River Lodge (comes up on Google maps) (across the river from the Modesto Airport). There is more information on our webpage, and a registration form. Please pre register so we have enough tables.

Please let me know if there is any further info you’d like!

Paul Wallace

1st Annual SFF Swap Meet – July 9, 2024 6PM
Our July 9, 2024 general meeting will feature a Fly Fishing Gear Swap. Have excess gear you’re looking to turn into cash? Have cash and are looking to buy some pre-owned gear fished only by a little old lady on Sundays after church? (Okay … that’s a stretch.) If you’ve got gear to clear, register now and reserve a table (or two) or half-table. Note: All sellers are solely responsible for conducting their own transactions. The Stanislaus Fly Fishers will not act as a third party in any transactions.

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Fishout Schedule – July

The newsletter provides brief fishout info.  For full detail, go to the website menu and select EVENTS -> Fishout Schedule

Jul 06 : Palm Beach Surf Fishout – Updated 6/11

Location: Palm Beach State Park  Species: Surf Perch, Striped Bass  Min./Max Participants: NO Limit Cali Surf Style Gear: 6-8wt. Rods with full sinking lines or shooting heads to match the rod. Polarized glasses (safety), Mandatory Accessories: Wader Belt & Stripping Basket (If a basket is needed, some maybe available to borrow or purchase. Please contact the… Read More

Jul 07 : Loreto Fly Fishing Trip *UPDATED*

Loreto Fly Fishing Trip *UPDATED*
Sign Up Now! Experience a new HIGH! Fish for Dorado, and many other salt-water fish, including Bonito, Roosters, Yellowtail and Sailfish on a fly! Join the group going to Loreto in Baja July 7th through the 11th This trip includes: Four nights at the beautiful Hotel La Mission, on the water-front next to the Loreto… Read More

Jul 21 : Kennedy Meadows / Sonora Pass – Fish-Out 2024

Kennedy Meadows / Sonora Pass - Fish-Out 2024
Kennedy Meadows Resort & Pack Station / Baker & Deadman campground.   If you want to stay in a cabin, you should try to get a reservation now.  The cabins generally roll over annually with returning guests from the previous year.   The Hogye's will be in Cabin 11.   Rates range from $115 - 260 per… Read More

Aug 03 : Rio Del Mar State Beach Surf Fishout

Rio Del Mar State Beach Surf Fishout
Location: Rio Del Mar State Beach Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers Gear: 6-8wt. Rods with full sinking lines or shooting heads to match the rod. Polarized glasses (safety), Mandatory Accessories: Wader Belt & Stripping Basket (If a basket is needed, some maybe available to borrow or purchase. Please contact the Fishmaster ahead of time. Also there… Read More

Sep 07 : Manresa Beach

Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers Read More

Sep 21 : Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 21-Oct.5

Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 21-Oct.5
Fall trout fishing in streams and lakes. Trip is for seven days and the participants share a condo in Mammoth Lakes. Read More

Oct 05 : Last Surf Fishout of 2024!

Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers Read More

Oct 17 : O’Neill Forebay ‘Stosh’ Memorial Fishout October 17-20th

O'Neill Forebay 'Stosh' Memorial Fishout October 17-20th
Camping and striped bass fishing at the O'Neil Forebay. Read More

Nov 01 : Trinity River Fishout

Trinity River Fishout
Target: Steelhead and trout.  Contact Alex Ferber if you are interested in going on the trip, text Alex at (831) 419-0564  or  Read More

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Matt: Truckee River

Jun 05 6:45 PM at the Aptos Grange
Zoom link:

Matt began fly fishing the waters of the Tahoe-Truckee region when he was a kid. As a guide, Gilligan brings to the river over 35 years of experience fly fishing and tying flies for Truckee River trout. A veteran guide, Gill loves to guide anglers of all abilities. Gill lives on the banks of the Truckee River in Hirschdale Ca, and has a familiarity with river that he will present to you.

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Trout Unlimited Meeting

Jun 19 6:30 PM at the Aptos Grange
Zoom link:

TU Meeting at Aptos Grange on June 19th

Trout Unlimited Steinbeck Country Chapter (Central Coast of California) membership meeting announcement.
Please join us for a hybrid General Membership meeting on June 19th.
Date:  June 19
Time:  6:30 – 8:00
In Person Location:  Aptos Grange, 2555 Mar Vista Dr, Aptos, CA  95003
Zoom option:  Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 882 9562 6770

6:00 Gather and Social Time
6:30 Call to Order and Introduction by Christy Fischer, Chapter President
7:00 Presentation: Current and Future of the Klamath River – After the Dams are Gone – Latest news and Vision for the Future Presentation by Tommy Williams, SW NOAA Science Center
7:45 Presentation: Carmel River / Rancho Canada Floodplain Project – Turning a Golf Course into a Natural River on the Central Coast Presentation by Tim Frahm, Trout Unlimited
8:00 Wrap up by Christy Fischer – What’s next for the Chapter

Our lead presenter for this meeting is Tommy Williams who is a research biologist at the National Marine Fisheries Service’s (NMFS) Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC) for the past 24 years, Tommy serves as the lead for the SWFSC on issues related to planning, and science issues regarding the removal of four dams on the Klamath River.  He knows the river, the landscape, the politics, the current conditions and the potential for recovery of cold-water fisheries.

Also presenting will be Tim Frahm, TU Central Coast Steelhead Project Manager discussing the ambitious Carmel River Floodplain Restoration Project (largest such project on the California Coast) which will commence construction next summer (2-year effort).


Date:  Wednesday, June 12

Time:  Doors open 6:15 PM, class begins at 6:30

Place:  Aptos Grange Hall

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by Elaine Cook - fly tying chairman

This dry fly caddis pattern was featured last month as the fly of the month. If you tied this on your own Great, and if you’d like some further instruction come join the class. This class will feature how to handle deer hair as a wing. Greg Foy will be the instructor and I will be there to assist as my foot is still healing and limits my mobility. As usual, the class is free and all material materials are provided. If you have tan 6/0 or 8/0 thread do bring it. For you beginners tools and vises are available to borrow. Please sign up at the club meeting or call, with at least 24 hours notice, either Greg at 831-239-8780, or Elaine at 831-234-6515