Dear Santa Cruz Fly Fishers,
This letter is to inform you about the upcoming NCCFFI event, the 2024 Hall of Fame dinner, and ask for your support. This year’s selectee is Mike Mercer, the acclaimed fly tyer from Redding. The event will be on Saturday, November 9th, 2024, at the Veterans Memorial building in Lafayette, near Walnut Creek.
This event was started back in 1987, with Jack Horner & E.C. Powell being inducted. It had been an annual event until 2015 when the Council stopped having it. After several years of requests to start it again, we are doing so this year.
Many of your members are likely not even aware of Hall of Fame since many are new to the club since 2015 or have simply forgotten about it. We believe strongly they would at least like to know it is happening and be able to attend.
The primary reasons for filling the venue – 200 people – is to once again honor one of fly fishing’s greats – Mike Mercer – and to support the sport of fly fishing and the Northern California Council. It’s especially important that we take a moment to honor our industrious fly-fishing celebrities, and just have a fun evening together, telling stories, meeting other greats who will attend, and supporting our Council.

Will you help us get the word out to your club members? Here is our plan:
- Each month we will send to you an article about the Hall of Fame, and we ask that you get it printed in your newsletter, and please post it to your website and social media. (Send them the August article – Attached)
- At each of your club meetings from here until November 9th, please discuss it, reminding people of the date & location, as well as why it will be fun to attend.
- The $150 price per ticket may seem relatively high, but our goal is to have an elegant event, in a great location, with many great prizes to be auctioned off to those attending.
- The goal of the event is to raise money for NCCFFI so we can keep our doors open and continue to represent fly fishing with state and federal agencies, oversee and participate in Conservation work like the Klamath River, and continue the FFI traditions on teaching fly casting, fly tying, and coordinating a national program.
- This is our major annual fundraiser, and we want to make it a success, and we can’t do that without you and your club.
Purchasing a Table representing your club.
- We’d also ask you to consider buying a club table for 8. We are offering an $80.00 discount ($10 per ticket) if you do this. We also know if you come as a club everyone will have more fun together and have interplay with the other clubs who come. It’s just more fun!
- Purchasing a table: Get your members who want to come to pay your club the discounted ticket cost – $140 each – send one check ($1,120) to our treasurer, Tom Smith, NCCFFI Treasurer, P.O. Box 7231, Reno, NV, 89510-7231. We will need all names for check in at the dinner (we will send a form to fill out names, e-mail addresses & phone numbers for the 8 attendees) once your club signs up for a table.
We’ll look forward to seeing you at the event. We promise, you’ll really enjoy the evening, and you’ll be supporting fly fishing greatness, as well as supporting our Council. Check out the attached details about the event & auction items.
Thank You!
Ron Beltramo
NCCFFI Executive Board Member
Posted on July 29th, 2024