This fishout has been cancelled because of the COVID-19 restrictions, which may or may not still be in force in July 2020. The principle attendees have all expressed their disinclination to travel out of state to Utah because of the residual risk of unfamiliar contact. John and Pat Steele will not be leading the fishout, they are not going. If other persons wish to go to the Green River, to Dutch John, which is the town where the lodging is located, at Trout Creek Flies, they should call and make their own reservations for both lodging and for river guides. The number to call at Trout Creek is 435-885-3355. There are other lodging options in the area, Flaming Gorge Lodge, at 435-889-3773, and Red Canyon Lodge, at 435-889-3773.
We will miss this fishout very much, it has been a trip that John has been taking every year for over 25 years. Hopefully, this pandemic is over by this time next year. Stay safe, shelter in place until otherwise notified, and please take care of yourselves and each other. We will get through this!
Posted on April 25th, 2020