This is our first Zoom fly tying class. We’ll hope for the best, for this technology is very foreign to me and I thank Tom Hoyge immensely for his help. Tap on the link listed above.
Our fly tonight is a Striper fly which is large and fairly easy to tie. The Forbay is now open for day use and fishing has been good. So be sure to have a few of these in you box.
The usual method for teaching the class will be altered as follows:
1. You must have your own vise and tools or borrow them. The club equipment will not be available.
2. Sign ups are mandatory in order to get materials and tying directions. Call me to sign up or email Coookin@gmail.com. If I’m not home, leave a message that includes your name, phone #, your need for thread (see below), and skill level. NOTE: I’ll be out of town from June 20th to July 3rd. Gone fishing!
3. You will find packets of materials and directions at my front door with your name on them starting Sunday July 5th. The club can loan you thread if needed. It must be returned promptly. The thread needs to be very strong and white. Such as: flat waxed nylon, monocord, Danville 2/0, Gudbrod Gx2, or Ultra Thread 140 denier.
4. Read directions ahead of time so you will have all you need. Also arrange your computer or iPad, vise, tools, glue and directions.
5. The 1st 1/2 hour will be for everyone to figure out Zoom, get situated so I can see your fly as you tie, and discussion about how and where to use this fly.
6. At 7:00 I will demonstrate how to tie the fly. Following that I will tie again but one step at a time, waiting for everyone to complete before moving to the next. If you are an experienced tier, you may not need the 2nd demo.
7. If you don’t know how to use Zoom, I am NOT the person who can help. Going through the steps ahead of time is highly recommended. The young, business people, or computer geeks are your best source. Or try club member, Scott Kitayama. (650) 279-5871
8. Directions: Please check the email newsletter for directions or email me Coookin@gmail.com
Hope you will give this a try with me. Elaine
Posted on June 26th, 2020