Please put it on your calendar, as we are hoping for a really good number of fish to be caught this year. The weed beds are holding lots of food for feeding fish. Those with float tubes not having oars may have some weedy areas to kick through to get out over deeper water in the channels. I am treating this years like the previous years, I am not walking around with a mask outdoors, I say that those who are most worried about airborne germs sit it out for a year but I think we need to live our lives without all this fear of getting sick from contact with friends.
More info in the October newsletter or just go into the archives from previous October newsletters to read all the info I had written on gear to bring and general info. This is a primitive camping area, no water, vault toilets, little shade but only 70 miles from home. Contact me anytime ssrudzinski@gmail.com 831-462-4532 (land line with message machine/old school, no cell. ‘Stosh’
Posted on August 27th, 2020