This was our second fishing trip to Oregon during covid. Once again, took all our food and water for the whole month. Used stream water for bath and laundry. Made Nat. Forest Campground reservations ahead of time, so no contact with camp hosts and gaurenteed spot. Lots of mask wearing and alcohol disinfectant. All in all, very covid safe. We had the pleasure of having Rich Hughett and Bobby join us for a few days. Not a great fishing trip again. If we had trout fished, that may have been different, but our focus was on large mouth bass. There was day of bass fishing with poppers that was truly outstanding. Dozens of fish exploded on our flies. Many in the 20 inch range. We meet a local fisherman fishing subsurface. Gave him one of my poppers. All he had was success with it over the next couple weeks. He sent me a picture of it after catching around 100 bass. It was trashed! Now the down side of fishing that lake. In order to launch our tubes, we had to slug through knee deep mud for about 20 feet. Crawling helped some. Then for 200 or more yards,too shallow the paddle, so pushed with our heels. Did the adventure one more time, the fishing was good not outstanding. Geer has been in lakes and washed in a stream, but some mud still remains. It’s like clay. We will go back again , eairler in the year when the lake has more water. We left before their horrible fires began and the Santa Cruz fires were greatly improved.
Posted on September 25th, 2020