The days are getting lighter longer – my favorite time of the year, when you think you overslept because it’s light out, but realize its only 6:30. At least on the weekends.
Last month I mentioned pilgrimages. That trip to the Rogue with Mike Diciano (Rich had to cancel last minute unfortunately) and with Humble Heron Fly Fishing – James and Kait Sampsel, was as it should have been, with the only exception being a selfish desire to get a trophy shot with a big steelhead. While we had several hookups over the 3 days, and Mike did land a nice size fish, you saw on the club page, the trip was epic. I’d say one of the nicest parts was being completely disconnected from all news, cell, internet, even newspaper – for almost 4 full days.
Boy if you didn’t have a chance to hear Gordon Tharrett’s presentation on the Green River, you’ve got to explore that. No wonder we’ve had a fish-out there for the last 30+ years. And the fishing (catching) is still as good as it ever has been. Thank God for some watershed stewardship especially around healthy fish population and fly-fishing. Stay tuned for some follow up information on fly-fishing the Green River – where to stay, costs, …
At this writing I come off of celebrating 60 years on this planet. When I first joined the club in the fall of ’91, most of the Board called me “kid”. I’m glad some still do. 30 years goes by fast doesn’t it! And to make things interesting, it was 40 years ago I moved myself from my home in East Cleveland (Wickliffe) to the Santa Cruz area, all in the pursuit of a crazy horse sport called Vaulting. We just had a bunch of those friends at the house and I’m glad so many of us are still close after 40 years.
I suppose if I never kept track of years in numbers, I’m grateful there are times I still feel like I’m 12, 25, 35, or 42. Particularly physically and mentally. It’s really just a number, isn’t it? While I’ve had a couple of ball joints that need replacement, the regular maintenance, fuel in the tank, and keeping things in order – for the most part, has provided that sort of outlook on life. My most favorite way to wade is just as I did when I was a kid – shorts and sandals – in the summer of course. And I don’t mind the cold, the rain, or slogging for more than a couple miles to cover some good water and the environment that water flows through. I can still cast like I did when I was 30, maybe even a little better, and I’ve learned spey casting techniques, which while super fun with a big two-handed rod, are also very good to use at times when fishing with a single-hand rod. You might wonder why “42”, well, that’s when I think I was mentally and physically at my highest fitness. I could still run like a gazelle, and I was riding my bike like a crazy person, racing and just getting out for long fast rides with a bunch of people. 12? Its how I feel most when I retire at night, reading before I go to sleep, remembering when I was just that age, thanking God for my family, my friends, what I had and what I wanted to have in the future. Not so much, material things, but health, safety, and well being for me, my friends and family. So I still feel that same way. 25 and 35 were just good years. I was still made of rubber at 25, and 35 was just sort of normal – I could build stuff all day long – which I did, when Mona and I bought our place in Ben Lomond, and were in the midst of figuring out how to be parents. Yes, there were times later when fly fishing took a back seat to all those responsibilities raising a family, building a home, making the most of my work, but it was always still there. It still is and likely will always be. There will always be that calling for the great outdoors, the solace fly-fishing, those beautiful trips we take with those we love and friends we’ve met along the way. Those trips where we explore new places on this planet we’ve never been to before, and the people we meet along the way. The gear and the flies we get to use, get to save up for, and which become a part of the memories in our lives.
And so it goes. It’s not about the numbers that add up, but the experiences, memories, family, friends we keep adding to this thing called life. I’m grateful to be where I am now, with all of you, my fam, friends and what is yet to come.
These next few months are going to be fun. I hope you will join us, both at the Aptos Grange, and on Zoom. Yep, we’re still going to have our speakers on Zoom, for those of you who just can’t make it to the Grange – AND, we’re still holding the raffle on-line, so you don’t have to be present to win something awesome for your fly-fishing needs.
May is going to be the legendary Al Quatrocchi. He is going to be showing us what you can do for salt water fly fishing for Corbino, and other species. We’ll be meeting at the Grange, but Al is going to present so everyone even on Zoom will be able to attend.
We have Casting classes at Jade Street park the last Saturday of every month – 1:30 p.m. now. With an opportunity to grab a beverage and something to eat after over at Carpo’s and Beer Thirty. Come join us. Stosh and company do a great job of providing you with everything you need to hone your casting.
July we don’t typically have a club meeting because it’s around the 4th of July – and that will be the same this year.
August – mark your calendars – we’ll be having a fun outdoor club barbeque, raffle and swap meet at the Sherriff’s Posse Hall again, which should be an awesome time to be together.
Thanks for all you do for the club, and if you’re inclined, the Board could use your help. We currently have openings for Secretary, Web Master, Facilities and more. Don’t be shy – we’d love to have your help.
See you in a couple weeks.
Posted on April 26th, 2022