One of our club’s most valued local partners, Monterey Bay Salmon and Trout Project has some opportunities for us to help out and learn about this organization in a hands-on fashion. Please contact Bob Garbarino (rjgarbarino@gmail.com or 831-24-2045) if you want to participate in any of these activities.
1. Hatchery—Come up on weekends for a few hours to feed fish, check intakes, etc.
or help with spawning at least one weekday a week through mid-February. The hatchery is about 18 miles north of Santa Cruz.
2. Fish Trap– Interested in helping out with San Lorenzo River steelhead trapping for data collection? MBSTP and the Santa Cruz Water Dept. are planning on operating the fish trap in Felton. For trapping, it can be a “spur of the moment” kind of thing with flow conditions and inflation of the dam. This is not a set-schedule volunteer event. The trap is run if river conditions are suitable and the dam is inflated, so volunteers have to be pretty flexible. The hope is the window will open mid-January.
3. Coho Release–As we move into spring, there will be a chance to help out with releasing fish (also, potentially an adult release to Pescadero in late January like we had last year). Jerry McKeon, Jeff Gose and I participated last year and it was a really special experience. There will probably be only 2-3 spots available as there were last year.
Posted on January 20th, 2023