This great stillwater trout pattern simulates a bait fish and in the past at Crowley Lake mimics the Sacramento perch, which thrives there. It’s the yellow in the body that shows through the mallard flank feather that gives it the same coloring as the fish. Use a sinking line and alter the strip to find what works.
HOOK: TMC 5263. Sizes 6 – 12. Crimp barb.
THREAD: Black 6/0 or 8/0. Attached one quarterback on shank.
BODY: Flat silver tinsel. Tie in at slightly backward angle. Wrap to rear of shank with overlapping wraps, then forward in the same manner. Tie off, cut excess, tie down tag.
UNDER WING: Yellow marabou. Select feather with barbs equal to 1 1/2 hook shank long. NOTE: it’s easier to handle if it’s wet. Cut barbs from stem (a 1/2 inch to 1 inch section. Snugly tie, butt ends to top of shank. Tie down butt ends. Position thread 1/3 back on shank.
WING: Gray Maillard feathers. Select two mirror image feathers. At least 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 length of shank. Prepare feathers by:
1. Hold against hook so tips are at end of marabou.
2. Starting at hook eye, firmly stroke, barbs forward.
3. Cut stem at that point. Place one feather on far side and one on near side, dark sides facing outward. Cut stem right behind hook eye. Tie and place up to hook eye then 1/3 back on shank.
EYE: Imitation jungle cock feathers. Size medium (30 mm) for hook sizes 6–8, size small for hooks sizes 10–12. Remove two eyes from supporting paper. Position one on each side of body with stub beyond hook eye. See photo for positioning. Tie in place with snug wraps, cut excess tie down stubs.
HACKLE: Grizzly saddle or neck. Select feather, barbs equal to 1 1/2 hook gap. Prepare feather:
1. Cut off fuzzy end.
2. Stroke bars firmly toward cut end.
3. Cut short 5 to 6 barbs on each side of stem at butt end (butch hair cut). With shiny side facing you, tie in butch with tips of feather at end of marabou. Wrap thread forward to one hook eyed length behind hook eye. Wrap hackle forward, close wraps, forming a thick collar. (NOTE: use a second feather if needed.) Tie off, cut excess. Tie a thread head. Whip finish, cut thread. Apply glue to head.
Posted on July 22nd, 2024