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Can you help with a Fishout in 2025?

Greetings club members,

As the year of 2024 comes to a close I wanted to say thank you to all of the generous members who have taken time to host and or help organize the Fishouts of 2024.

We in the club are very fortunate to have such a great group of people who are willing to share their experiences and help introduce others to some of their favorite places. With the ever shrinking world due to instant messaging and social media, it seems the trend is to hide or secret what’s left of our wild spaces. So again it is so refreshing to have a place where generosity and information flows freely.

So enough of that, what’s the plan for 2025?  Right now we have a hand full of trips to be published and we are looking for more!  If you have hosted in the past or are looking to share a special place, please let me know.

Becoming a Fishmaster
Fishmaster is a title we all stride to achieve, even if it’s in our own mind’s eye. A lofty goal to say the
least! But becoming a Fishmaster in the eyes of the Santa Cruz Fly Fishing Club is easier than you may
As a Fishmaster with the Santa Cruz Fly Fishers, you are not expected to deliver the weather, fish or
lessons. We only hope that you share your joy for this great sport, general information you know
firsthand (or research in preparation), time, date, type of water and quarry. The Fishout can be as simple
or extravagant as you wish (see Fishmasters Log for details).
If you are interested in becoming a Fishmaster or have a suggestion for a future Fishout, contact Justin
Ice ( for more information. Once all the details are in order, your Fishout will
be promptly posted in the next issue of the club’s monthly newsletter.

Please consider becoming a Fishmaster or recommending a future Fishout location.

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