Image from https://riverbum.com/blog/intro-to-fly-fishing-casting-with-the-roll-cast/
Beginner and novice fly casters who are interested in instruction in the roll cast, one of two foundational techniques in fly casting, should plan on attending a lesson that will take place in Boulder Creek at 10 AM on Wednesday, July 28. If you would like to participate, please contact me at 831-338-6056 or via email at traugott@ucsc.edu so that I can sign you up, give you directions, and discuss any equipment issues. The plan for July is for one hour of systematic group instruction followed by an additional hour of general practice and socializing. I am presuming that most participants will have their own rod, reel, and floating line. (A loaner rod or two may be available for those who do not have their own.) If there is sufficient interest, we could follow up in August with a similar session devoted to the “Pick-up and Lay-down” or basic overhead cast. More specialized techniques for experienced casters could become the focus of future sessions. It all depends on the level of member interest, so don’t hesitate to get in touch and let me know if you would like to participate.
Posted on June 26th, 2021