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Club Activities – Feb thru Mar

Date Activity Link DescriptionLocation
Feb 01 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm2025 SCFF Annual Fundraiser - Feb 1st, 5-9 pm

Wild Alaska Salmon will highlight the dinner and we will have many prizes available for the raffle. We are keeping the dinner affordable at $40/person and expect it to sell out early. Click on the article to see who has purchased tickets to the event.

Pajaro Valley Rod and Gun Club
Feb 15 1:00 pm - 3:00 pmFly Casting Meetup

We will be working on FFI skills development course from the Bronze and Silver levels. If you’re not familiar with these exercises, it would be a great time to come out and see what it’s all about. The skills are directed at improving your casting skills, and will improve your overall fly fishing success. This will be a perfect time for those folks who are just getting started, to learn some basic core casting techniques.  I will have practice rods if needed.  Hope to see you there.

Jade Street Park baseball field
Feb 28 10:00 am - 6:00 pmPleasanton Fly Fishing Show - SCFF booth

The Santa Cruz Fly Fishing club will have a booth at the Pleasanton Fly Show.   We are still looking for volunteers to help fill shifts at the show.  If you are interested, please contact Justin Ice at mobile:  408-690-6143.

Alameda County Fairgrounds
Mar 01 9:00 am - 5:30 pmPleasanton Fly Fishing Show - SCFF booth

The Santa Cruz Fly Fishing club will have a booth at the Pleasanton Fly Show.   We are still looking for volunteers to help fill shifts at the show.  If you are interested, please contact Justin Ice at mobile:  408-690-6143.

Alameda County Fairgrounds
Mar 02 9:00 am - 4:30 pmPleasanton Fly Fishing Show - SCFF booth

The Santa Cruz Fly Fishing club will have a booth at the Pleasanton Fly Show.   We are still looking for volunteers to help fill shifts at the show.  If you are interested, please contact Justin Ice at mobile:  408-690-6143.

Alameda County Fairgrounds
Mar 15 1:30 pm - 3:30 pmFly Casting Meetup

We will be working on FFI skills development course from the Bronze and Silver levels. If you’re not familiar with these exercises, it would be a great time to come out and see what it’s all about. The skills are directed at improving your casting skills, and will improve your overall fly fishing success. This will be a perfect time for those folks who are just getting started, to learn some basic core casting techniques.  I will have practice rods if needed.  Hope to see you there.

Jade Street Park baseball field
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Membership Renewal is over 200 members and Googlegroups

by Bob

If you are not on Googlegroups, have not renewed your 2025 membership, or have been placed on the inactive file, please email me at  to be updated.  As of Jan 23rd we have over 200 members on our Roster.  Also, as of January 23,  we have 8 tickets left to the Annual Fundraiser Feb 1.  Thank you for your renewal,  Annual Dinner support, and generous donations.

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Club Activities – Jan thru Feb

Date Activity Link DescriptionLocation
Jan 11 10:00 am - 12:00 pmFly Casting Meetup--10:00 AM Start Time

We will be working on FFI skills development course from the Bronze and Silver levels. If you’re not familiar with these exercises, it would be a great time to come out and see what it’s all about. The skills are directed at improving your casting skills, and will improve your overall fly fishing success. This will be a perfect time for those folks who are just getting started, to learn some basic core casting techniques.  I will have practice rods if needed.  Hope to see you there.

Jade Street Park baseball field
Feb 01 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm2025 SCFF Annual Fundraiser - Feb 1st, 5-9 pm

Wild Alaska Salmon will highlight the dinner and we will have many prizes available for the raffle. We are keeping the dinner affordable at $40/person and expect it to sell out early. Click on the article to see who has purchased tickets to the event.

Pajaro Valley Rod and Gun Club
Feb 15 1:00 pm - 3:00 pmFly Casting Meetup

We will be working on FFI skills development course from the Bronze and Silver levels. If you’re not familiar with these exercises, it would be a great time to come out and see what it’s all about. The skills are directed at improving your casting skills, and will improve your overall fly fishing success. This will be a perfect time for those folks who are just getting started, to learn some basic core casting techniques.  I will have practice rods if needed.  Hope to see you there.

Jade Street Park baseball field
Feb 28 10:00 am - 6:00 pmPleasanton Fly Fishing Show - SCFF booth

The Santa Cruz Fly Fishing club will have a booth at the Pleasanton Fly Show.   We are still looking for volunteers to help fill shifts at the show.  If you are interested, please contact Justin Ice at mobile:  408-690-6143.

Alameda County Fairgrounds
Mar 01 9:00 am - 5:30 pmPleasanton Fly Fishing Show - SCFF booth

The Santa Cruz Fly Fishing club will have a booth at the Pleasanton Fly Show.   We are still looking for volunteers to help fill shifts at the show.  If you are interested, please contact Justin Ice at mobile:  408-690-6143.

Alameda County Fairgrounds
Mar 02 9:00 am - 4:30 pmPleasanton Fly Fishing Show - SCFF booth

The Santa Cruz Fly Fishing club will have a booth at the Pleasanton Fly Show.   We are still looking for volunteers to help fill shifts at the show.  If you are interested, please contact Justin Ice at mobile:  408-690-6143.

Alameda County Fairgrounds
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Making our Annual Fundraiser the best ever

We want to be sure to have raffle and silent auction  prizes that appeal to everyone and many attendees don’t fly fish.  We would like you go to your favorite businesses and ask for donations for the fundraiser, below is a list of companies that HAVE ALREADY donated to our 2025 fundraiser.   Click here for a  PDF link to a “Request for Donation” letter and a “fill in the blank” gift certificate.    I hope that by filling in the name of the business, signing your name, and writing a short note on the letter, it will help make it easier to ask.  Remember, we are asking for help to fund donations to local environmental organizations and student scholarships.    

We are blessed to be getting gift certificates for the fundraiser and are looking to get more.  Here are some who have already donated:

Bayside Marine
Bookshop Santa Cruz
Cafe Cruz
The Farm Bakery
Cafe Cruz
Riverside Lighting
Stagnaro Charters
H&H Fish
Johnny’s Harborside
Pajaro Valley Golf Course
Pacific Golf Center
Trout Spot Fly Shop
Central Coast Fly Shop

CA Sportfishing Protection

If you do frequent any of these companies, please thank them for their generosity. And finally, you can help by attending the event!  Remember, you can’t win the great prizes unless you are present. 

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2025 Membership renewal is winding down

by Bob/Membeship

As of Dec 18th we have 160 members who have renewed their 2025 membership with another 50 renewals coming in the next few weeks  We do plan to send out a draft roster and print next years Roster in mid January, so members are encouraged to renew their membership in the next few weeks to be included in 2025 Roster. Members who do no renew will be placed in an inactive file and will not receive the monthly newsletter.

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Help make our Annual Fundraiser the best ever

Planning and organizing the Annual Fundraiser on Feb 1, 2025 has been going on for months.   We have recruited nearly 40 volunteers and I am deeply gratified by the outpouring help.  But there are still ways that you can make a difference!   

We want to be sure to have raffle and silent auction  prizes that appeal to everyone and many attendees don’t fly fish.  We would like you go to your favorite businesses and ask for donations for the fundraiser.  Click here for a  PDF link to a “Request for Donation” letter and a “fill in the blank” gift certificate.    I hope that by filling in the name of the business, signing your name, and writing a short note on the letter, it will help make it easier to ask.  Remember, we are asking for help to fund donations to local environmental organizations and student scholarships.    

If you already have all the fly fishing  equipment you need and have new or nearly new items, consider donating them for the Fundraiser.    We can always use more items on the raffle tab le.

And finally, you can help by attending the event!  Remember, you can’t win the great prizes unless you are present. 

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Member Spotlight – Elaine Cook

by Linda Bixby - SCFF Club Member

We may never master fly fishing -it tends to master us- but the club member who may come closest is Elaine Cook. The length of her membership alone -more than 36 years- is a testament to her patience, perseverance, and love for the art and science of this beautiful sport, and a healthy dose of all three for her fellow club members.

Elaine started fishing with her dad as a five-year-old, in the streams and waterways of the Eastern Sierra. Until she left home at age 17, Elaine fished the Sierra and the Pacific Ocean with her father, acquiring a deep love of the outdoors and the rich memories she treasures today. Three of her father’s bamboo rods arc gracefully across a wall in the cozy Aptos home she and her husband and fellow club member John have shared since 1972.

Father’s rods
and wicker creel
and Mother’s fishing vest

Among other prized artifacts are her dad’s well-loved wicker creel and fishing licenses from the ’40’s, and the 30’s-era green fishing vest that belonged to her mother, also an accomplished fisherman and enthusiastic fly-tyer who nevertheless didn’t teach her daughter the first thing about tying flies, Elaine said. Across the room from her father’s bamboo rods, in a corner flooded with natural light, is the spacious desk where Elaine ties favorite flies and masters the new ones she’s preparing to teach, like clockwork, on the second Wednesday of every month.

For the past 20 years, Elaine has been a poised, patient, meticulously-prepared fly tying mentor to members and non-members alike; the near- and far-sighted, the hesitant and the old hands, the know-it- alls and the know-nothings who come together to listen quietly as she demonstrates each painstaking step in tying the fly of the month, perfectly timed for the next excursion or upcoming hatch, or an all- purpose archetype that’s a must-have in every fly box. Beginners know; she is never disparaging; always warm and encouraging. “This is a complicated fly, so good for you for getting it done. I’ll bet your next one will turn out great.”

Elaine has been an integral part of the club in every way possible. Before taking over the fly tying classes she served from 1988 to 2022 as the editor of the newsletter. She’s been membership chairman, sponsored countless fishouts, and is even a cartoonist, like her father, whose work was nationally syndicated.

Elaine recounts that her pastime became a passion while in her 40’s. With their three kids grown, she and John were on a summer trip through the west in their Volkswagen bus, checking out streams, fishing here and there, “and having absolutely no success at all,” Elaine said. During a one-night stop at a KOA campground to do laundry, she saw a sign for free group casting lessons and private lessons, for a price, in casting or fly tying. “I literally ran back to the car and said to John, ‘Give me some money!'”

Elaine’s fascination with the art of fly-tying was immediate. John ordered fly-tying magazines for her, and on her first visit to Ernie’s Casting Pond, Ernie -who spent his 90th birthday at our meeting this month- told her to ‘pick out a fly in this book and I’ll teach you how to tie it.’ Elaine was equipped at home with her mother’s vise and a few of her tools. “Ernie told me, ‘Come back in a week and we’ll do another one.’ He’s the one who told me about the club.”
It was tough balancing her budding hobby with her job as an RN, running a hospital’s busy maternity department. “But I really wanted to get into it,” she said. At her first club meeting she was welcomed very warmly, she recalls, and being the only woman there hardly registered.

“I was so excited when I came home from that meeting. I told John I was going to go back every single month.” She jumped in, soon a fixture at board meetings long before she joined the board. “It was great. People were giving classes, teaching casting, knots, fly tying, having outings…I was participating in everything. I couldn’t get enough.”
John wasn’t interested in fly fishing then, “but he would take me on the outings and come to the club meetings and somehow got encouraged to be the president, not even a fisherman!” she said. By following Elaine on their trips John learned how to read a stream, and from talking to others he picked up the lingo. Then came the trip when he turned to Elaine and said, “give me that rod,” she said, and he was hooked.

Asked to share a favorite fishing experience, Elaine doesn’t hesitate. “It’s a lake in Wyoming that we go to in the Spring when the damsels are hatching. It’s a medium-sized lake, so I get in my float tube and it takes me 20 or 30 minutes to paddle to the far end. The rainbow in that lake average about 16 to 18 inches, and at the far end there are reeds and brush, and they love to be down in there. You can see the fish feeding. You put a fly out in an adult damsel pattern and wait for them to come around. It’s tricky to get a fly in to them. It’s very exciting. I’ve been there many times.”
Not surprisingly, she doesn’t share the location. “Oh, I never disclose that,” she said with a smile. “It isn’t easy to get to, way out on BLM land, dirt roads, gravel roads, a dry camp, no running water…” So how the heck did she find it? “A librarian friend found it on a map in the library.”

Upper Sac

Elaine is energetic and admirably fit, and until a year ago nothing slowed her down. But last fall she sustained a serious foot injury (“I was doing some very aggressive fishing”) which has been frustratingly slow to heal and remains painful. This summer, to their great disappointment, John and Elaine had to scrub their annual 3-month swing through the western states to fish and well….pretty much to fish.

She rejects the suggestion by some that she’s the best fisherman in the club. “I am not. I am skilled and I do very well. I am persistent. I will put in more time. And because I have joined a club with so many outings; ocean, river, stream, pond, high in the mountains, in the desert, in the San Joaquin Valley….I’ve learned a lot of varied skills. Most tend to focus on one or two kinds of fishing. I will fish for anything that swims.”

At 82, Elaine still personifies that spirit.

“Next year, in my head, I want to do exactly what I had planned for this year, which involved largemouth bass fishing in northern California, and up into Oregon for largemouth and trout fishing, and then into Montana, Yellowstone, into Wyoming, then south into Utah. From there if we’re tired or it’s smoky we may meander back, maybe around August. So the plans right now are up for grabs.”

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2025 Membership Renewal Reminder

by Bob

So far 100 members have gone online to renew membership for next year…which is 40% excluding donations and continue to exceed previous years..We even have members request to be invoiced and  another who called  to renew and paid over the phone. Dues can be paid online at as well at the December monthly meeting.  After the Dec 4th meeting there will be less than 30 days to renew your membership to remain on the Roster, monthly newsletter, and Googlegroups.  Members who do not renew will be placed on the inactive list which has just been updated with current information. For those members who have renewed we thank you for your contributions to fund our conservation projects and scholarships. Bob/ /831-251-8655

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Club Activities – November

Date Activity Link DescriptionLocation
Nov 16 10:00 am - 2:00 pmSan Lorenzo River Cleanup

Cleaning up our Local Waters!

SanLo – Ocean Extension
Nov 16 1:30 pm - 3:00 pmFly Casting Meetup

All are welcome from beginners to experienced casters.  This is a good time to continue working on and enjoying your progress with effectively casting your fly-line -whether it’s 25, 35, 40, or 50 feet – 90% of your fishing casting.  We will continue to work on this foundation for everyone who wants to successfully and enjoyably pickup their fly rod and cast exactly where you want – time after time.  Bring your rod and reel if appropriate, and I will also have the nice club rods we have so you can toss one of those around too.

Jade Street Park baseball field
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Celebrating Gil Santos

by Tim Loomis

There will be a Celebration of Life for Gil Santos on November 2nd at 2:00 pm at the Santa Cruz Elks Lodge and all of Gil’s friends are encouraged to attend. 

A remembrance by Tim Loomis

On October 3, 2024, we lost Gil Santos, who passed away peacefully at home from natural causes. Gil was 90 years young, and instead of mourning his passing, I’d like to celebrate a life well-lived. Gil truly did it all. If you ever saw him at a club meeting or in public, you’d notice he was always impeccably dressed, as though pressed and ironed just before leaving home. He was, as they say, “flat-out debonair” – the Cary Grant of fly fishing. Along with his polished appearance, Gil was a true gentleman and a fabulous fly fisherman.

According to Ernie Kinzli, our club’s first president, Gil joined in the 1993-1994 season. Ernie and Norm Bedell, our former club treasurer, were classmates in their younger years, so we’re lucky to still have a few founding members with us. Gil, born in 1934, had a life full of adventures, hunting, and fly fishing – a journey we can only imagine.

My first memory fishing with Gil was at Pyramid Lake around 2004 or 2005. I’d just arrived and happened to place my ladder next to his. On one of my first casts, I hooked and landed a fish. Gil had been in the water for almost five hours without a bite, yet instead of being frustrated, he cheered me on, celebrating my catch. Later, when I ventured over to his trailer, which he shared with Ed Marcel and a guy from the East Coast named Alan, Gil gave me some good-natured ribbing for “invading his territory,” followed by, “So, what fly were you using?” From that moment on, I was privileged, as many of you were, to fish with Gil across the country.

Gil loved sharing his knowledge and wisdom about fly fishing with anyone who asked. He also had a special feel for the history of our community. One of my favorite things about fishing with Gil was listening to his stories of growing up in and around Santa Cruz. He was truly a treasure. 

And finally as a testament to his love of Santa Cruz and fishing, Gil’s family has generously donated $1,000 to the scholarships that our club gives to local seniors pursuing careers in conservation.  

Rest in peace, Gil Santos. You will be missed.


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November time to renew 2024 Membership Dues and buy Annual Fundraiser dinner tickets

by Membership Chair Bob Peterson

Easiest way to renew membership is online @ by checking renewal, no changes, check waiver, and make payment/donation by creditcard.  Deadline is Dec 31st to be included in the Roster. New members since July  do not have to renew for 2025.  85% of our members renewed online.

To renew by check, make check payable to SCFF Club and mail to PO Box 2008, Santa Cruz, Calif, 95063.  Dues are $40/single,$60 family, $20jr. Dinner tickets for Sat Feb 1st are $40.   You can also email me @ and I can invoice you for renewal and/or  annual dinner tickets.  Please note, last year  160 annual dinner tickets sold out in Jan.  And lastly, annual raffle tickets are not available online, but will be sold @ the Rod and Gun Club dinner in Watsonville.

Thank you, Bob Peterson, Membership Chair, 831-251-8655  CP or Txt



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Ernie’s 90th Birthday!

by Jeff Kinzli

Hello, my dad is Ernie Kinzli of Ernie’s Casting Pond. He was one of the founders of the SCFF way back in the day. We will be celebrating his 90th birthday soon and would like to invite friends to come celebrate with him. It will be on December 14th from 1-3PM in East Santa Cruz. Please RSVP to me (Jeff Kinzli) via or text 831-235-0454 and I’ll send you an invitation. Thank you!

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Club Activities – October

Date Activity Link DescriptionLocation
Oct 05 8:00 am - 10:00 amSpey Casting on the water (limited spots) - Part 4 San Lorenzo River
Continue working on improving casts. We will be working on dominant and non dominant side casting, as well as river right and left presentations.
Max 8 folks ( please bring a 2 handed rod if you have one with a Skagit  type head).   We will meet at the Skate Park on the left-hand side of the street. Parking is very limited.
Santa Cruz Skate Park
Oct 06 8:00 am - 10:00 amSpey Casting on the water (limited spots) - San Lorenzo River
Continue working on improving casts. We will be working on dominant and non dominant side casting, as well as river right and left presentations.
Max 8 folks ( please bring a 2 handed rod if you have one with a Skagit  type head).   We will meet at the Skate Park on the left-hand side of the street. Parking is very limited.
Santa Cruz Skate Park
Oct 07 8:00 am - 10:00 amSpey Casting on the water (limited spots) - Part 5 San Lorenzo River
Continue working on improving casts.   Discuss Scandi and Switch casts for those interesred. If time allows, we may discuss some touch and go casts, such as Single Spey and Snake Roll.
Max 8 folks ( please bring a 2 handed rod if you have one with a Skagit  type head).   We will meet at the Skate Park on the left-hand side of the street. Parking is very limited.
Santa Cruz Skate Park
Oct 08 8:00 am - 10:00 amSpey Casting on the water (limited spots) - San Lorenzo River
Continue working on improving casts. We will be working on dominant and non dominant side casting, as well as river right and left presentations.
Max 8 folks ( please bring a 2 handed rod if you have one with a Skagit  type head).   We will meet at the Skate Park on the left-hand side of the street. Parking is very limited.
Santa Cruz Skate Park
Oct 26 1:30 pm - 3:00 pmFly Casting Meetup

All are welcome from beginners to experienced casters.  This is a good time to continue working on and enjoying your progress with effectively casting your fly-line -whether it’s 25, 35, 40, or 50 feet – 90% of your fishing casting.  We will continue to work on this foundation for everyone who wants to successfully and enjoyably pickup their fly rod and cast exactly where you want – time after time.  Bring your rod and reel if appropriate, and I will also have the nice club rods we have so you can toss one of those around too.

Jade Street Park baseball field
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Club Activities – September

Date Activity Link DescriptionLocation
Sep 07 8:00 am - 10:00 amSpey Casting on the water (limited spots) - Part 2 San Lorenzo River
This class will be for anyone, preferably those who have no experience  were able to attend the first class. We will review the basics, and then work on  the Double Spey cast using Skagit heads.
Max 8 folks ( please bring a 2 handed rod if you have one with a Skagit  type head).   We will meet at the Skate Park on the left-hand side of the street. Parking is very limited.
Santa Cruz Skate Park
Sep 14 8:00 am - 10:00 amSpey Casting on the water (limited spots) - Part 3 San Lorenzo River
Continue to work on Spey basics, and also work the Snap-T / Circle C.
Max 8 folks ( please bring a 2 handed rod if you have one with a Skagit  type head).   We will meet at the Skate Park on the left-hand side of the street. Parking is very limited.
Santa Cruz Skate Park
Sep 14 1:30 pm - 3:00 pmFly Casting Meetup

All are welcome from beginners to experienced casters.  This is a good time to continue working on and enjoying your progress with effectively casting your fly-line -whether it’s 25, 35, 40, or 50 feet – 90% of your fishing casting.  We will continue to work on this foundation for everyone who wants to successfully and enjoyably pickup their fly rod and cast exactly where you want – time after time.  Bring your rod and reel if appropriate, and I will also have the nice club rods we have so you can toss one of those around too.

Jade Street Park baseball field
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Fall 2024 – Spey Casting Series

Note: These series of classes are NOT for beginning fly casters. You should be proficient with a one-handed rod before advancing to a two handed rod. The club still has the monthly one-handed casting clinics at Jade street. Please look at the club activities schedule for date and time.

Date Activity Link DescriptionLocation
Aug 31 1:00 pm - 3:00 pmIntro to Spey Casting (limited spots) - Part 1 Jade Park

Spey Casting is a style of presenting a fly in a down and across manner ( aka Swinging Flies)It utilizes special lines and facilitates casting in tight quarters. It enables one to use sinking lines and throwing larger flies with ease.  It’s a technique used in fishing for Salmon, tout and Steelhead.  The first class would be ideal for those who have never casted a 2 handed rod.  This class will be for beginners,  or those with minimal experience.  Maximum of  6 folks.  I will provide rods for those who need a rod.

Reserve your spots Alex Ferber, 831-419-0564

Jade Street Park baseball field
Sep 07 8:00 am - 10:00 amSpey Casting on the water (limited spots) - Part 2 San Lorenzo River
This class will be for anyone, preferably those who have no experience  were able to attend the first class. We will review the basics, and then work on  the Double Spey cast using Skagit heads.
Max 8 folks ( please bring a 2 handed rod if you have one with a Skagit  type head).   We will meet at the Skate Park on the left-hand side of the street. Parking is very limited.
Santa Cruz Skate Park
Sep 14 8:00 am - 10:00 amSpey Casting on the water (limited spots) - Part 3 San Lorenzo River
Continue to work on Spey basics, and also work the Snap-T / Circle C.
Max 8 folks ( please bring a 2 handed rod if you have one with a Skagit  type head).   We will meet at the Skate Park on the left-hand side of the street. Parking is very limited.
Santa Cruz Skate Park
Oct 05 8:00 am - 10:00 amSpey Casting on the water (limited spots) - Part 4 San Lorenzo River
Continue working on improving casts. We will be working on dominant and non dominant side casting, as well as river right and left presentations.
Max 8 folks ( please bring a 2 handed rod if you have one with a Skagit  type head).   We will meet at the Skate Park on the left-hand side of the street. Parking is very limited.
Santa Cruz Skate Park
Oct 06 8:00 am - 10:00 amSpey Casting on the water (limited spots) - San Lorenzo River
Continue working on improving casts. We will be working on dominant and non dominant side casting, as well as river right and left presentations.
Max 8 folks ( please bring a 2 handed rod if you have one with a Skagit  type head).   We will meet at the Skate Park on the left-hand side of the street. Parking is very limited.
Santa Cruz Skate Park
Oct 07 8:00 am - 10:00 amSpey Casting on the water (limited spots) - Part 5 San Lorenzo River
Continue working on improving casts.   Discuss Scandi and Switch casts for those interesred. If time allows, we may discuss some touch and go casts, such as Single Spey and Snake Roll.
Max 8 folks ( please bring a 2 handed rod if you have one with a Skagit  type head).   We will meet at the Skate Park on the left-hand side of the street. Parking is very limited.
Santa Cruz Skate Park
Oct 08 8:00 am - 10:00 amSpey Casting on the water (limited spots) - San Lorenzo River
Continue working on improving casts. We will be working on dominant and non dominant side casting, as well as river right and left presentations.
Max 8 folks ( please bring a 2 handed rod if you have one with a Skagit  type head).   We will meet at the Skate Park on the left-hand side of the street. Parking is very limited.
Santa Cruz Skate Park

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Club Activities – August

Date Activity Link DescriptionLocation
Aug 17 1:30 pm - 3:00 pmFly Casting Meetup

All are welcome from beginners to experienced casters.  This is a good time to continue working on and enjoying your progress with effectively casting your fly-line -whether it’s 25, 35, 40, or 50 feet – 90% of your fishing casting.  We will continue to work on this foundation for everyone who wants to successfully and enjoyably pickup their fly rod and cast exactly where you want – time after time.  Bring your rod and reel if appropriate, and I will also have the nice club rods we have so you can toss one of those around too.

Jade Street Park baseball field
Aug 31 1:00 pm - 3:00 pmIntro to Spey Casting (limited spots) - Part 1 Jade Park

Spey Casting is a style of presenting a fly in a down and across manner ( aka Swinging Flies)It utilizes special lines and facilitates casting in tight quarters. It enables one to use sinking lines and throwing larger flies with ease.  It’s a technique used in fishing for Salmon, tout and Steelhead.  The first class would be ideal for those who have never casted a 2 handed rod.  This class will be for beginners,  or those with minimal experience.  Maximum of  6 folks.  I will provide rods for those who need a rod.

Reserve your spots Alex Ferber, 831-419-0564

Jade Street Park baseball field
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SCFF website linked to Merchandise Store

We now have the online Merchandise store linked to the website. Just go to the menu “Store” and click on the picture of the items, it will take you to an external website. Please note, if you have issues with your purchase, you will need to work it out with “the “FN Simple Uniforms”.

Update JUL-’24 feedback from SCFF members: Ordering is simple and any issues were ironed out (pin intended). Quality of items such as hat, t-shirt, sun shirt and button down shirt are great!

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New Way to Fish Pyramid

Greetings fellow Santa Cruz Fly Fishing Club Members,
I have been leading the Pyramid Lake fishing trip for the past ten years. It has always been a remarkable fish out, and one of the best attended too. However the past three years have been very challenging and we have not caught very many fish and people have come away disappointed with the outcome.
I have fished the lake for twenty five years and the recent lack of success over the past few years have made me really think about whether or not it is worth the effort to fish Pyramid. Years past I would make multiple trips to the lake at all different times of the year. It is winter fishery opening October 1st and closing June 30th. I have always had success and the hunt for a big Lahontan trout always motivated me to get out there and fish. So, fast forward to today and I have had to rethink my whole approach to fishing Pyramid.
That leads me to a new discovery about how to fish Pyramid Lake. Jeff Goyertte, a club member and our raffle coordinator took a recent trip to the lake and fished with Rob Anderson, a long time guide on Pyramid. He went on the trip in early to mid June of this year. They fished from float tubes, and with fly gear that was not the typical set up that we are accustomed to using to catch these big trout . Well he did extremely well and when he told me about his experience, it peaked my curiosity.
Jeff was kind enough to put me in touch with Rob Anderson. I had a good conversation with him and I think it is worth exploring a fish out with Rob in June of 2025. He can take out as many as 15 people on float tubes. It is $350 for two and a half days. The first day people arrive at a beach along the lake where Rob sets up a camp. This first day is really a prep day where the guides provide training on how to fish from your float tube for these big trout. You would be responsible for your own lodging whether you camp on the beach or go back to a hotel or stay at Pyramid Lodge. Rob provides breakfast and lunch for your $350 fee. We would more than likely go in early June.
I have attached a couple of videos that are very helpful in explaining Rob’s whole approach to fishing Pyramid Lake. They are done quite well and worth watching.
So this is a whole new deal. The old fish out would be replaced by this one. And it would be a different experience. If you have any interest please contact me at 831 706-5556 or email at
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Club Activities – June

Date Activity Link DescriptionLocation
Jun 22 1:30 pm - 3:00 pmFly Casting Meetup

All are welcome from beginners to experienced casters.  This is a good time to continue working on and enjoying your progress with effectively casting your fly-line -whether it’s 25, 35, 40, or 50 feet – 90% of your fishing casting.  We will continue to work on this foundation for everyone who wants to successfully and enjoyably pickup their fly rod and cast exactly where you want – time after time.  Bring your rod and reel if appropriate, and I will also have the nice club rods we have so you can toss one of those around too.

Jade Street Park baseball field
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Online Merchandise Store is now Open

Greetings from the Marketing Chair,

The link I have included is our club link .
This will take you to Our Santa Cruz Fly Fishing Club Store. As of today we have 13 items (many of the items come in different colors), including women’s and men’s specifically in the store with our logo. You may order and have your order shipped direct to your home with a shipping fee of $7.40.

The Club can ask for other garments to be included in the store. If any one has a request please send a link to the Item to me at I will have some sample garments for the June Club meeting to check out . I will also have cards printed up with this link out at the meetings. Check out new swag garments on display.

Tight Lines
Rick Chace

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Help disabled veterans learn to fly fish with Project Healing Waters

Wanted to let you know about an opportunity to get involved with a local chapter of “Project Healing Waters” (PHW).    PHW is dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of injured and disabled military service personnel and disabled veterans through fly fishing and associated activities including education and outings.
Our contact for PHW is Brian Steckler.  Brian’s email is  PHWFF.SF…  and phone is (831) 402-1584.  Please contact Brian ASAP if you can help, especially with the June 1st event and the July outing.  I have enclosed Project Healing Waters FAQ.
Below are some of the activities they will be doing this summer and need  volunteers.
  1. Next outdoor class (knot tying, typical nymph and dry fly rigs, what to expect on a one-day and/or overnight outing for camping and fishing):   June 1 from 1 to 4 PM,  in Carmel Valley Village. PHWFF SF – Monterey Peninsula Extension Event June 1 2024 v2 (1)
  2. July overnight outing y), Mokelumne River east of Stockton (3.5 hour drive from Monterey).  Camping at Lake Amador Campground.  July 13-16.  PVH can take only 4-5 vets and they must have participated in two events by June 2nd.  Volunteers needed.
  3. Next outdoor class (reading the water, entomology (study of bugs/flies), casting practice – roll and double haul casting):  Wednesday July 10th from 7-9 PM.  Location TBD.
  4. August overnight outing (note this is a newly announced event).  Location TBD based on some recon trips I’m doing prior to this event.   PVH   can only take 4-5 vets and they must have participated in two events by July 2nd to be considered.
  5. August outdoor class (repeat of June knot tying, typical nymph and dry fly rigs, what to expect on a one-day and/or overnight outing for camping and fishing):  Wednesday August 7th from 7-9 PM.
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Club Activities – May

Date Activity Link DescriptionLocation
May 11 9:00 am - 1:00 pmSwap Meet at Aptos Grange - 2024

Swap meet at the Aptos Grange parking lot. 9am to 1 pm. All things fishing/outdoors!

Aptos Grange
May 18 1:30 pm - 3:00 pmFly Casting Meetup

All are welcome from beginners to experienced casters.  This is a good time to continue working on and enjoying your progress with effectively casting your fly-line -whether it’s 25, 35, 40, or 50 feet – 90% of your fishing casting.  We will continue to work on this foundation for everyone who wants to successfully and enjoyably pickup their fly rod and cast exactly where you want – time after time.  Bring your rod and reel if appropriate, and I will also have the nice club rods we have so you can toss one of those around too.

Jade Street Park baseball field
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Club Activities – April

Date Activity Link DescriptionLocation
Apr 27 1:30 pm - 3:00 pmFly Casting Meetup

All are welcome from beginners to experienced casters.  This is a good time to continue working on and enjoying your progress with effectively casting your fly-line -whether it’s 25, 35, 40, or 50 feet – 90% of your fishing casting.  We will continue to work on this foundation for everyone who wants to successfully and enjoyably pickup their fly rod and cast exactly where you want – time after time.  Bring your rod and reel if appropriate, and I will also have the nice club rods we have so you can toss one of those around too.

Jade Street Park baseball field
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Tactical (ADVANCED) Dry Fly Fishing W/ field trip to Hat River

by Alex Ferber

Alex Ferber – (831) 419-0564
Learn or improve your ability to make successful surface presentations (Dry Fly) to rising fish on Spring Creeks. The true art of fly fishing. This class will focus on loop control, drag free drifts with long leaders using small dry flies. This 5 day class will include 3 days of lawn instruction, culminating in 2 guided day workshops on Hat Creek and Fall River; two iconic Spring Creeks in Northern California, where accurate, well presented flies are a must. Minimal skills: Ability to consistently overhead/false cast to a minimum of 45 feet

Note:  Registration through Capitola Recreation Department.   (Link will be put here when the catalog is published)

Jade St. Soccer Field/OFF-SITE FIELD TRIP
R $450| NR $467
Jade St Park:
Sat 9:00-11:00am 5/18, 6/1, 6/15
Hat River Field Trip:
6/27-6/30 (All Day)