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September Fly Tying Class: Barry Smelt

Sep 13 6:30 PM @ Aptos Grange

Barry Smelt

Here we are getting ready for the Fishout in October at the forebay. Of course, the forebay can be fished anytime from now to into it November. As always, the class is free, and all materials are provided, except for the thread which will be white: flat wax nylon, Big Fly, monocord or similar. We welcome beginners and provide them with tools, thread and advice. It’s always helpful to bring magnification and a table lamp. Some lamps are always provided, but not enough to go around usually. Elaine Cook will be assisting beginners. Sign ups are important and can be done at the September club meeting or calling  Michael at 831-234-2244 or Elaine at 831-234-6515. Please allow at least 24 hours notice ahead.

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to Fly Name to see more information.

Date Fly Excerpt
October Caddis - Fly Tying ClassOct 11 6:30 pm - 8:30 pmOctober Caddis - Fly Tying Class

All club members are welcome!

Wiggle Worm - November Fly Tying ClassNov 08 6:30 pm - 8:30 pmWiggle Worm - November Fly Tying Class

All club members are welcome!

Trout Nugget - December Fly Tying ClassDec 13 6:30 pm - 8:30 pmTrout Nugget - December Fly Tying Class

All club members are welcome!

Trout Nugget - January Fly Tying ClassJan 10 6:30 pm - 8:30 pmTrout Nugget - January Fly Tying Class

All club members are welcome!

The Booby Fly - feb 24Feb 14 6:30 pm - 8:30 pmThe Booby Fly - feb 24

This fly originated in England, and became extremely popular until they outlawed because it was too successful. It is now becoming very popular in the states, and having the same results including at Pyramid Lake. We will be having a club fish out there in early April so be sure and bring a few of these flies with you. It’s tied in a variety of ways and we will be tying one that was particularly successful at Pyramid this last year. For those of you who are new to our club, the classes are always free with materials provided.For people who are new to fly tying, tools, vices, and thread are made available. For those who have thread bring white flat waxed nylon or similar. Our annual fundraiser of Salmon and big ralffle on the 3rd of February is taking the place of our club meeting so you will need to sign up by calling or emailing me. 831-234-6515,

MARCH FLY TYING CLASS: We will be doing our annual popper class and space is limited. It will be held the weekend of March 16 and 17th at my home. Two days are required, each about four hours, due to drying of paints and epoxies.  No particular fly tying skill is needed for this class.  If you wish to attend this class, you can sign up now to assure your place. Do call if you have questions.



March Poppers Class! -2024Mar 16 - Mar 17 10:00 am - 3:00 pmMarch Poppers Class! -2024

It’s time to get ready for the bass and bluegill season with some of these top water creations. This is a two day class that is a very artsy crafty and beginners should feel comfortable in attending. All the materials will be provided including the thread. Vises and tools will be available for beginners. There is limited space, so only sign up if you are committed to attend and do so no later than March 11. You can sign up at the club meeting or by calling me at 831-234-6515

AP nymphApr 10 6:30 pm - 8:30 pmAP nymph

Looking ahead we will be tying a nymph that has been around for a long long time. It’s a great fly for beginners.

Aug 14 6:30 pm - 8:30 pmSierra Bright Dot

Summer and fall are the best times to use this trout fly. It’s best used in small streams where the water is not real turbulent. The Sierras are great for this fly. It also works well in stillwater and quiet parts of rivers.
The class is free and materials provided. If you have 8/0 black thread, please bring it. As always, bring your vice and tools.

For you beginners, there will be what you need to participate and you are always welcome and encouraged to come. Be sure to bring prescription glasses and if you have magnification, bring that as well.

Sign ups are important so that the amount of material will be adequate. You can do that at the club meeting or calling by the day before the class. 831-234-6515 or 831-688-1561.

Sep 11 6:30 pm - 8:30 pmSeptember Fly Tying Class: Punk Perch

Our class this month will feature a stillwater pattern for trout. If you’re going to Mammoth, you’ll want to have a few of these with you to fish Crowley. It’s a relatively easy fly to tie, so if you were thinking about learning to tie flies, come on down. We always have equipment available for people to borrow. All materials are provided and if you have black 8/0  and red 6/0 thread do bring them. The red will only be used for the head, so several bobbins will already have the red thread on them to share.

October Fly Tying Class: Adachi clouserOct 09 6:30 pm - 8:30 pmOctober Fly Tying Class: Adachi clouser

Our club member, Tommy Polito, is having much success in both the surf and forebay catching stripers using this fly.. He is also finding other fish species are attracted to the fly as well.  There have been many requests for our club members to have a class for tying clousers, so I’m glad to make that happen.  Please, as always, sign up at the next club meeting or call 831-234-6515.  The class is always free and materials are provided. If you have flat wax nylon white, do bring it and some will be available to borrow   We welcome you beginners and have equipment for you  to use.    ~Elaine