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April 2022 Table of Contents

General Meeting……………………
  Green river with Gordon Tharrett
  April in-person Raffle Prizes
  Donations from Doug Severin’s Estate
President’s Line…………………….
Fly Tying……………………
  Green Drake
  Callibaetis Dun
Conservation Concerns……………
  Plastic in Our Oceans—Revisited
Membership Notes…………………
  April Fly Casting Meetup – Jade Park
  Need Newsletter Editor and Content Publisher
Reel News …………………………
  NCFFI Newsletter – April 2022
Fishout Schedule…………………

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In person raffle and door prizes

GOOD NEWS: Big club fishout at Pyramid Lake the first week in April. ?
BAD NEWS: There will be no online raffle Prior to the April meeting.?
HOWEVER: There will be a raffle, and door prizes, at the April 6 meeting held at the Aptos Grange starting at 6:30 pm.?

Take a look at these great raffle prizes.

Let’s start with 200 plus pages of beautiful trout artwork by world renounded artist James Prosek. His famous work “Trout of the World” deserves a special spot on any fly fisher’s book shelf.

Next take a look at this custom wood laminated release net. Perfect size for serious trout and Black bass as well as school sized stripers. Low visibility soft vinyl netting is gentle on the catch. Included is a magnetic release and a carbineer clipped tether cord.

Classic is a word that comes to mind when describing this St.Croix “Triumph” rod. It is a 4 weght eight foot medium/fast action 4 piece rod perfect for small stream trout. It is match with a Sougayilang CNC machined aluminum alloy reel for light weight and balance.

Great prizes to win, come to the meeting and buy some tickets; ones dollar each, twenty bucks gets you 25.

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Donation from the Doug Severin Estate at April Meeting

by Elaine Cook

If you enjoyed receiving items from Doug’s estate at the January and March club meetings, you will have the opportunity to do that again at both the April club meeting. His desire was that club members would have the opportunity to receive his fishing belongings .  Some will be in raffles but those at the club meeting in April will be free for the taking. Donations will be welcomed if you so choose. The pictures show a lot of the items that will be up for grabs . The doors will open at 6 PM at the Grange and the meeting will start at 6:30. Don’t miss out come early to choose what you would like. The meeting will also be via zoom, so if you wish to come for some donated items and then go home to do a zoom meeting, that will be fine.

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by Tom Hogye

April showers bring May flowers.  What does May flowers bring?   Pilgrims.

We can only hope for April showers, given California is once again entering another few years of low water (drought).

Isn’t pilgrim a funny word?  Who came up with that one?   We never use that word to define someone entering a country anymore.  Sound more diffusing, comforting, than the words immigrant or migrant.   Writing this caused me to look up the word.   I figured it was just because they were people discovering a new country.   Turns out, it is “a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons”.   As in the English Puritans fleeing religious persecution on the Mayflower and landed here in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.

A person who travels on long journeys – pilgrimage.

I like traveling on long journeys for fly-fishing reasons, which we could all argue are in fact religious.   Aren’t they?

Don’t we all meditate, flee reality, think deeply, clear our minds, take deep breaths, sigh a big relief, love friends, love the outdoors, and pray considerably in all manners of the exercise of this sport?

How many times I’ve asked God for just one fish, or for my son, my daughter, my wife, my friend, to catch a fish while we are out.  So they know how exciting it really is to cause one of these creatures to take this bundle of fur and feather on a tiny hook, bring it to hand, admire it’s beauty.  The enormous power we have over it, but how gently and carefully we act to watch it swim away.   That feeling when it has left our hands.  A gift it was to us, and a gift we gave back so that it could continue living.

How many times I’ve stopped, looked around, shook my head and sometimes cried because I couldn’t believe how beautiful it is where I am standing, with whom I’m standing, and how fortunate I was to be there.    How hard it was to get there and how many times I figured I might not get there.     But oh how worth it, it was, and how you couldn’t imagine making another decision, glad you did.   If it was easy, everyone would do it, and it just wouldn’t feel the same – would it?

A pilgrimage, perhaps several, is necessary for all of us.   Living – I mean really living – requires them.   Some of them are small – perhaps a morning, an afternoon, or an evening.   Some, you make sacrifices, working hard for several months, several years, perhaps much of your life.  You save, plan, organize, and maybe you pray it all works out.   You battle, ‘should I go, or should I not go.’ Sometimes over and over again.  Sometimes in the middle of the night when work, family, or something else stirs you to thinking you shouldn’t go.   You pray it’s the right decision to take the time and go.   Some might say it’s just fishing – and aren’t you lucky, or they tell you there are other, more important things you should be doing.   But there aren’t.   This is it.

You know when you’ve left, when your feet are finally in the water, all of those things you battled before you made the trip, are gone.   In a second.   They washed away as soon as you stepped in the water.    Your first cast makes you take a deep breath, exhale, and you feel an enormous weight lifted; gone.   Your focus turns completely to that bundle of fur and feather, ten, thirty, sixty feet away from you, drifting in the column of water.   Nothing else comes to mind but that tiny little bundle at the end of that line, in that body of water, on this entire planet.   Nothing.   You wait, you watch, you listen.   You pray.

When I was a kid, my pilgrimages where to my Gram’s Cottage on the weekends, leaving school, my paper-route, and any issues my parents might have, grabbing my Ugly Stick, tackle box and heading for the water.   Even those were tough to get to at times.   As we “mature”, pilgrimages seem to get larger, a bit more involved, riskier.  As they should.  But I suppose the more grand the adventure, the more religious, the experience.

I really didn’t mean to write this with pilgrims or pilgrimage in mind.   It was the fact it was raining, that we haven’t had any rain, and my hope for April showers, and maybe even some May and June showers, would help us get through another low water year.    But I learned a bit more about pilgrims and pilgrimages.

And while it was certainly not a need to flee religious persecution, or flee for any reason, I’m not often given an opportunity to take some time and plant my feet in a big river for a few days.    So, at this writing, I’m making a bit of a pilgrimage to the Rogue to fish with Kait and James from Humble Heron Fly-Fishing, casting my thirteen six, eight weight spey rod, swinging big flies for steelhead.   Grateful for Rich’s invite, even though he cannot make it, which I will miss a lot.  But, I certainly cannot wait to get in the truck with Mike, and get my feet in the water, feel everything wash away, take a deep breath, focus on that bundle of fur and feathers and pray for the opportunity to bring a Steelhead to hand, witness a beauty all its own, and know that feeling of letting it slip out of my hands, back to the water it belongs to.   Maybe a few times!

Each one of them changes you.   Recharges, renews you.   Make a pilgrimage or twelve.

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April Fly tying – Green Drake

Apr 13 6:30 PM : Green Drake

Green Drake

Green drakes are a mayfly that hatches out in June and early July in the western United States. We will be tying the adult version. This is a large mayfly and should work well via zoom. And for you who are new to our fly tying classes, all materials except for thread are provided for the class which is free. 6/0 thread will be used in this class. If you need to borrow tools vise and or thread, that can be made available to you. Beginners are always welcome, but need a little instruction ahead of time via FaceTime.  Call to sign up and a packet of materials will be put at my front door for you. 831-688-1561

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Monthly Speaker Date Excerpt
CricketMay 11 Cricket

– dry fly for trout – streams and rivers thought the West – black 6/0 thread

Dali LamaJun 08 Dali Lama

John Steele, Instructore – The Dali Lama is our go to fly on the Tsiu for silver salmon.

Pat’s Tungston Bead Head Rubber Legs - JULY  Fly tyingJul 13 Pat’s Tungston Bead Head Rubber Legs - JULY Fly tying

Dar Naghshineh, Instructor – Pat’s Tungston Bead Head Rubber Legs is primarily for trout, but also black bass.

Fluke Fly - Aug Fly tyingAug 10 Fluke Fly - Aug Fly tying

Greg Foy, Instructor – Fluke Fly is a jig to target Black Bass and Sunfish

Foam Run CaddisSep 14 Foam Run Caddis

A simple great drive fly pattern for this month.

CicadaOct 12 Cicada

Fly for bass, trout and carp!

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Callibaetis Dun

by Elaine Cook—-fly tying chairman

There are 15 species of callibaetis in the western United States in Canada. They emerge in spring, summer and fall, and are usually larger in the spring and smaller in the fall. Their distinguishing features are two tails, tan under body and modeled wings. They prefer still water but can be found in slow moving water as well. Use a floating line, apply floatant, leave still on water or dead drift.
HOOK: TMC 100. Sizes 12-16. Crimp Barb.   Crimp Barb.
THREAD:   Tan 8/0
Apply mid shank. Wrap forward to 1/3 back on shank. Cut thread tag.
WING: Hungarian Partridge
Using two feathers, pull barbs off base of feather until a narrow fan is formed. Length of fan should equal hook shank length. Attach feather to top of shank tips,  forward and stems to rear , at junction of feather and stem. Pull feathers upright and make several wraps in front to hold in place.  Tie down 1/8 inch of stems behind wing cut access. Make several thread wraps around base of wing to hold upright. Wrap thread to rear of shank.
TAIL: dun microfibetts
Make thread ball with 8 to 10 X thread wraps on top of one another. Wrap thread forward 1/3 of shank. Select 6-8 fibers(keep tips lined up). Lay on top of shank, tips extending well to rear. Tie to shank with four touching three thread wraps toward ball. Pull fibetts forward to make tail equal to shank length. Divide fibetts with bodkin. Pull the fibetts on far side away from shank and slightly upward, take one thread wrap toward ball. Grab remaining fibetts,  pull them toward you and slightly downward. Take another wrap of thread toward ball. Repeat last two steps a couple more times.  Ending at the ball. Cut access.
BODY: Tan super fine dubbing
Advance thread one wrap. Dub a narrow tapered body up to wing.
HACKLE: Grizzly, barbs equal to hook gap
Form a crew cut at butt end of feather by cutting 5 to 6 barbs short on each side of stem. Tie crew cut in at base of wing with dark side of feather toward you and tip to rear.
THORAX: Tan super find dubbing
Dub around base of wing. Taper dubbing forward to one hook eye length behind eye. Spiral hackle forward, two wraps behind wing, to in front of wing.  Tie off cut access. Tie thread head. Whip finish, cut thread.

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Plastic in Our Oceans—Revisited

by Conservation Chair Bob Garbarino

It’s amazing how much plastic is a part of our world. It’s hard to imagine how we could go about our daily lives without the utility and convenience it provides. However, our planet is becoming overwhelmed with plastic—especially in our oceans. Here are some statistics that appeared in a recent article in Fishbio titled “Toxic Soup in the Plastic Age”.

  • By the year 2050, the amount of plastic in the world’s oceans may outweigh all of the fish combined.
  • Plastic use will triple in use by 2050
  • Almost a third of the plastic produced each year is not disposed of, and much of it eventually makes its way to the sea
  • Plastic is ingested by more than 700 species of marine wildlife including fish, birds, and marine mammals
  • Once present in the food web, plastic particles can end up in market species such as tuna, and eventually humans
  • They tiny pieces of plastic that result from degradation can persist for hundreds to thousands of years
  • Our country disposes of 30 billion plastic bottles a year

This all sounds overwhelming and we are going to drown in our own creation. So, what can we do? Here are ideas from the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

  • Support policies to reduce single-use plastic
  • Cut back on single use plastic
  • Recycle properly
  • Get involved

For more specific actions you can take from these ideas from the Monterey Bay Aquarium, go to

Date:  April 30, 2022

Time:  2:00 PM

Place:  Jade Park, Capitola

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April Fly Casting Meetup – Jade Park

by Steve Rudzinski - Casting Chairman

Where: Jade Park, Capitola

When: April 30th, 2:00 – 3:30 pm  (beer thirty afterward?)

Bring your lawn chair, and fly rod to practice casting with other SCFF club members.  Casual atmosphere with plenty of room for social distancing!


4400 Jade St

Next Event

Fly Casting Meetup - Oct 26 - 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
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Upcoming Events

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Looking for one or two club members to be the Newsletter Editor and Content Publisher

by Scott Kitayama - Newsletter Editor

After nearly 5 years of serving as President, Tom Hogye, will be stepping down at the end of 2022.  I told the board that I would run for the President position in 2023 if we could find someone(s) to take over the newsletter.  Please take a look and see if you or someone you know in the club is willing to help.

The Newsletter Editor is an SCFF Board Position that is responsible for acquiring, editing, and laying out the award-winning Santa Cruz Fly Fishing newsletter. The contents of the newsletter comes from other board members responsible for speakers, fly-tying, conservation, fish-outs, membership, as well as contribution from members at-large. The editing takes about 2-4 hours around around the 3rd weekend of the month. The Editor needs to be proficient with computers, email, and web-based word processors. Experience with WordPress is a plus.

The Online Content Publisher can also be a Board Position working closely with the Newsletter Editor to ensure the timely distribution of the monthly newsletter. The Publisher updates SCFF’s WordPress website to ensure the the monthly newsletter is available online. The publisher will also create and distribute the notification email to the membership with pertinent information such as speaker, raffle prizes and fly tying. Publishing is done around the 4th Wednesday of the month after completion of editing and takes 2-3 hours. The Publisher needs to be proficient as the Admin for WordPress or other website-building systems.

If you have any interest in helping, please contact Scott Kitayama at  BTW/ if you have a child or grandchild who is proficient with technologies, this might be a great activity to add to the resume.

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April Fishout Schedule

mobile scrollable table 

Trinity River FishoutNov 01 - Nov 04

Nov 01 : Trinity River Fishout

Trinity River Fishout
(Click for address and map)

NOTE:   Contact Alex Ferber if you are interested in going on the trip.  After knowing how many people are interested, it will be easier to plan logistics (camping? motel?).    You can text Alex at (831) 419-0564  or  If you want to go on this trip, it is highly recommended to attend the Spey Classes.

The fishery:
Basically,  this is a Steelhead Trip. There are some resident trout, including some really nice brown trout. I  walk wade or float my raft,  depending on the river conditions. I personally use a Spey rod to swing flies.   Many people use indicators.  There are a lot of walk in spots to explore. The river can be floated with rafts or driftboats. There is a shuttle service available.
Single hand rods, 7-8 wt rods, using floating lines with indicator set up. Typical flies used are Egg patterns, Copper John’s, Stonefly imitations like Rubberlegs,  Dark Perdigons. Sizes ranging from Size 8-14.
Spey or Switch rods, usually 5-6 wt in the Fall, I use a 7 wt in the winter. Skagit or Scandi heads, with floating to heavy sink tips, depending on the river conditions and season. Flies that work well include leeches, intruders, HoBo Spey, Traditionals, as well as dry fly patterns ( Skaters) in the early Fall.
The River:
The Trinity River is located aprox 1 hr west of Redding on  Hwy 299. Its a beautiful tailwater fishery, with flows controlled from the Lewiston Dam. This is where the hatchery can be found. It has many different faces, including some big water as it runs west. It meets up with the Klamath River on its journey to the ocean. It has an excellent run of both wild and hatchery fish, ranging from 5-7 #, with some larger fish in the  +10-12 # range. There are fish in the system year round, but typically a push of fish starts in late September and peaks in late November, with a second run usually in late December- March. The fishing remained really good thru the end of March last season. It is very flow dependant and can run quite low in the Fall, with occasional bumps in flows when there is precipitation. It can blow out on occasion, but clears pretty fast.
Weaverville is the closest town, where there are good restaurants, motels and a really nice Holiday Market. It’s kinda the hub. There is an RV park in Weaverville,  but no campsites.
Camping is available in Douglas City  area as well as Junction City and further west on 299. The town of Douglas city doesn’t have much, other than a small mini mart. Indian Creek Lodge is a few miles east of Douglas City. The town of Lewiston is just below the Lewiston dam. It offers some camping and motels. There is a really nice motel west of Junction City (I believe it is called Steelhead Lodge?). It’s an excellent place to stay if one wishes to fish below Junction City.