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March 2022 Table of Contents

General Meeting……………………
  Fisheries of the Central Coast & Iceland with Dagur
  March Raffle Prizes
  Donations from Doug Severin’s Estate
President’s Line…………………….
Fly Tying……………………
  Popper Class
  Red & Black larva lace midge
Conservation Concerns……………
  Steelhead Spa-What’s That?
  Prairie Creek Restoration
Membership Notes…………………
  Remembrance: Matt Murphy
  Remembrance: Jim Black
  Remembrance: Pat Murray
Fishout Schedule…………………
  Wanted: Pyramid Ladder

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Fisheries of the Central Coast & Iceland with Dagur Guðmundsson

The March Meeting will be both in-person and on Zoom. Doors at the Aptos Grange will be open by 6:00 pm while we set up and test the system. The Zoom meeting will start by 6:30 pm, the link is here:

Fisheries of the Central Coast & Iceland with Dagur Guðmundsson

Dagur Gudmundsson was born and raised on the wind-swept rock of Iceland, where he grew up chasing everything from arctic char and ice age brown trout to Atlantic cod and pollock. During his teenage years, he moved to the Central Coast of California where the fishing is quite different from the cold waters of Iceland.


When he was 18, Dagur started guiding at the world-class salmon river West Rangá, which in addition to having some of the most prolific Atlantic salmon fishing in the world, also has huge native brown trout in its upper reaches.

In between spending his summers guiding in Iceland, Dagur attended California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo, where he acquainted himself with the local fisheries through lots of trial and error. He recently started a fly fishing guide service in San Luis Obispo with a focus on the area’s overlooked fisheries when it comes to fly fishing, such as bass, carp, and surf perch. Dagur also ties and sells flies, is a regular contributor to California Fly Fisher magazine, and teaches clinics on carp and bass through the Central Coast Fly Fishing fly shop in Carmel.

Future Speakers. Dates and speakers may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Monthly Speaker Date Excerpt
May 04 Virtual Speaker: Fly fishing for Corbina with Al Q
Jun 01 Striper Fishing on the Lower Sac with Hogan Brown

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March Raffle Prizes

Whether you’re throwing midges under an indicator or stripping Beetles along the bottom you will need some serious gear to do battle with the monster trout of Pyramid lake.

Either a 9 foot 8 WT Echo ION XL 4 piece rod or a bit heftier 9’8″ 9 WT G.Loomis IM6 2 piece rod.
The matching Katuysha 6071-T6 aluminum alloy reel is corrosion resistant and has a large arbor for increased backing capacity and a fast retrieve.
Speaking of Beetles and Midges, take a look at these Pyramid lake beauties. We have a dozen Beetles and 16 midges packaged up in a pocket size Adamsbuilt two sided case. Keep them handy in your shirt pocket to save yourself a trip off the ladder back to your truck when you need to re-rig. Proven Lahontan Cutthroat winners.
A great new book by John Gierach: “Dumb Luck and the Kindness of Strangers”? It is a great collection of short stories, there is even one about Pyramid lake! A book like this is also great for those dark winner nights that are too cold to walk to the bar.

The online ticket sales are available and will close at noon on Wed. March 2nd. Tickets are a dollar each. 20 bucks get you twenty five. Click on this link to purchase tickets:

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Donations from the Doug Severin Estate

by Elaine Cook

If you enjoyed receiving items from Doug’s estate at the January club meeting, you will have the opportunity to do that again at both the March and April club meetings. His desire was that club members would have the opportunity to receive his fishing belongings .More fishing items and fly tying materials will be available at the March and April club meetings.Some will be in raffles but those at the club meeting in March and April will be free for the taking. Donations will be welcomed if you so choose. The pictures show a lot of the items that will be up for grabs . The doors will open at 6 PM at the Grange and the meeting will start at 6:30. Don’t miss out come early to choose what you would like. The meeting will also be via zoom, so if you wish to come for some donated items and then go home to do a zoom meeting, that will be fine.

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Let’s Get Together!!

by Tom Hogye - President

We have a lot of talent in our community.   For a fly-fishing club, in a surf community that was once mostly a retirement town with surfers and outdoorsy people, we became a fly-fishing club.

You might find it interesting, that we really don’t have that much fly-fishing around here anymore.    Certainly not a “trout stream”.    But did you know that as far back as the early 20’s, hatcheries were built along the San Lorenzo for the purposes of supplanting year round trout fishing?    That’s right!  Back in the 20’s, clear through the 50’s, you could fish the San Lorenzo, and most, if not all, of her tributaries for trout – all year.    And your limit – per day?!    25 fish.   At least for a while.    Then it went to something like 5 or 10.

True!   I remember Jim Lazarotti, who spent his life here, from the 50’s until he passed away in 2008, working to save the San Lorenzo, telling me that he would fish Zayante Creek before school catching fish his mom would make for dinner.

We often marvel at the catch rates from the old days, but I also wonder if those catch rates were not also kill rates, would the rivers and tributaries have been better today.    Probably not.

The surf, cars and airplanes, have provided us the ability to be fly-anglers with plenty of opportunities to feed our desire to be out of doors, in the water, marveling at fish, and all things within those elements of the healthy habitats where we find these creatures.  Fluttery things, crawly things, four footed and two footed (Big Foot and Sasquatch! – just seeing if you’re paying attention), perhaps some peace and quiet away from the hustle and bustle of being stuck at home or afraid to go somewhere, with or without a mask, because of a pandemic.  Which, by the way, is ending.  Funny how it’s now called an endemic.    Weird cuz it wasn’t called a begindemic.    Never mind.

I hope if you’re reading this after February 27th, you got to go to the Fly-Fishing show in Pleasanton on the 25th to the 27th.   I am so excited to be going again, especially since so many of you are also going.   I’m sure there is something I still need there even after now 30 years of fly-fishing under my belt.

I’m also excited about our March meeting as it will be at the Grange, with a raffle, an in person guest speaker – Dagur – from Iceland.   And a chance to see some of you who I only just met these last 2 years via Zoom – in person!    At this meeting, we are also going to work on our “hybrid” solution, which is to run the meeting in person and via Zoom for those who can’t make it.   Please bear with us as we may bump along at this meeting, trying to dial in the technology we need to become our own 1 million subscriber YouTube channel.   Okay, kidding.   We really just want to be good for those who can’t be at the meeting in person and can still enjoy the club meeting.

In this newsletter you will also read some beautiful tributes to three of our long-time members who left this planet this year.   Matt Murphy, Jim Black and Pat Murray, all of whom were beloved members, family and friends with their own special gifts they bestowed on the club, their family and those who were very close to them.

If you have a knack for writing – please note that you can write a nice article, or even just a few sentences, and publish it in our Newsletter.  Yes – You!   Just find the tab on the website, under Newsletter, Article Submission, fill out the details, the write your article.   Easy.  We’d love to hear from you and put your input in our newsletter.

Michael McGannon has been our Marketing and “merch” guy for several years.   I’m super grateful for Michael, because every time we’ve been together, he’s often drawing on a napkin – which I’m constantly stealing from him to hide in my own personal collection.   The Picaso fish, the multi-caster, the tangled mess, and others he’s drawn up.    At one of our last meetings, I explained to the board I wanted to have something related to Santa Cruz – Santa Cruz Fly Fishing.   So what better way to describe that than on a surf board!    This is an initial rendition that Michael drew up for me, and I love it.   Note the Striper in the waves.    Truth be told, is I got this idea from an old advertisement Salz Leathers used to promote a leather they made called “Surfer”.    It was a waterproof leather we made for the likes of Timberland and Wolverine boots.   Similarly, it was a heifer surfing.   Likely a native heifer – but that’s another story.      I envision this one being refined a bit, then being available as a T-Shirt – Santa Cruz Fly Fishing.   Who knows, maybe we can get the “Santa Cruz” logo on it and sell it in the surf shops!!  Wouldn’t that be a hoot!    Thank you Michael!!

I’ve really enjoyed our Zoom meetings.   I don’t know what we would have done if it weren’t for that technology which until then, was just a way for companies to hold fancy meetings in conference rooms and offices and for those who might have been “remote” for one of those meetings.   I am certain Zoom never thought they’d be taking on the whole world when the begindemic occurred.   And while we often use fly-fishing to get away from it all – it all – meaning technology, that very “technology” has made fly-fishing infinitely more enjoyable, perhaps a bit easier to learn, and Zoom gave us a chance to break down barriers, not otherwise possible.

But I sure am looking forward to seeing you, shaking your hand in person.  My only regret is that I won’t be able to “mute” you all when it comes to start the meeting.

See you soon!!  Really – not kidding!!

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2 Day Popper class

Mar 12 12:00 PM & March 13 Class

& March 13 Class

We will be making poppers so that we can go for those big mouthed bass. In the past the class has spanned over 2 days and involved lots of paints, epoxies, glues, solutions, along with various other supplies. It is not reasonable to assume that everyone would have everything that would be needed to craft these beauties, and not practical via Zoom. In order to not miss out this year, a simplified method has been devised which will give everyone reasonable and useful poppers. The only thing you will need to complete your popper fly is clear nail polish and Supper Glue or equivalent. If you have 30 min epoxi, a variety of acrylic paints and rubbing alcohol, your finished fly will be more like the ones we usually craft. Some lead time for prepping and putting supplies together will be needed.  So please sign up soon but no later than Mar. 5th. It will still be a 2 day class, but fewer hours than usual. We’ll start at noon. Allow 2-3 hours each day. You beginners to fly tying should feel comfortable doing this class. As always, the class is free and materials provided. Very strong thread, any color, such as flat waxed nylon or monocord will be needed. If you need thread, or tools and vise if you are a beginner, the club can loan them to you. Materials , directions and tips for bass fishing will bagged for you to be picked up at my door. Call me to sign up @ (831)688-1561

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Monthly Speaker Date Excerpt
Green DrakeApr 13 Green Drake
CricketMay 11 Cricket
Dali LamaJun 08 Dali Lama
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Red and black larva lace midge

by Elaine Cook fly tying chairman

Midges, also known as chironomids, are available to trout year-round. Not only in their larval stage but hatches occur as well. In nature they vary a lot in size and color. For the club fishout at Pyramid Lake tie larger flies. I prefer size 8 hooks. For Crowley lake use smaller hooks. The best way to fish a midge is to suspend it under an indicator so it rides a little above the bottom.

HOOK: TMC 2457 or TMC 2487   sizes 6-16
Note: 2457 is a heavier hook and is typically the hook of choice for a bigger fish like it Pyramid Lake.
Crimp Barb.
BEAD: Silver, size to match hook.
Note, for a size 10 Hook use a size 5/32 inch.
Slip small opening on to hook first, and position behind hook eye.
THREAD: Red, 3/0 or 6/0 depending on hook size
Test thread with glue to be sure it doesn’t turn black when applied.
Thinner thread with larger hooks will require more thread wraps.
Attached behind the bed.
RIB: Larva Lace   Other brands also available. This is a vinyl strand with elasticity. Diameter is usually round, sometimes D shaped.
Micro midge for size 16 hooks, midge for 12 and 14, small for eight and 10, medium for size 6. Lay on top of shank with and slightly behind bead. Touching thread wraps halfway back on shank. Then pull on rib material to make thinner and continue with thread wraps halfway around rear bend of hook. Note spin thread counter clockwise to keep flat and avoid twisting.
BODY: Red thread.
Wrap forward with touching thread wraps to cover rib well up to bed. Spin thread as above. Use more touching thread wraps backward and forward to form a slender tapered body if necessary. Finish with thread behind bead. Make one half hitch.. Snugly spiral rib forward in opposite direction of thread wraps, 6 wraps to reach bead, each a little further apart. Secure in place with 5 to 6 snug thread wraps. Cut excess rib. Tie off thread, cut. Applied glue to entire body. Allow to dry.
COLLAR: Peacock hurl and black 8/0 thread.
Attach thread behind bead. Select one hurl from stem of feather with medium to long barbules. Break off fragile tip. Tie tip in behind bead. Make dubbing loop. Hold hurl down side of loop, insert dubbing tool, and twist to make chenille. Make several chenille wraps behind bead, tie off, cut excess. Apply glue to about 1/2 inch of thread near bead, whip finish behind bead, cut thread.

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Steelhead Spa–What’s That?

by Conservation Chair Bob Garbarino

If you are interested in fish-related scientific information, you should check out They have articles on fisheries research, monitoring and conservation. I came across an article on steelhead kelt reconditioning. What the heck is that? First of all…what is a kelt. Not all steelhead die after spawning one time. Some spawn multiple times. Steelhead that return to the ocean or an estuary after spawning are called kelts. During the journey back down the river post-spawn, kelts are challenged by obstacles such as dams that are typically designed to aid juvenile salmonids—not adults. This is the case on the Columbia river. To help the fish survive, the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission and the Yakama Nation have been practicing kelt reconditioning. This involves capturing the fish and placing them in holding tanks where they are given medical attention, fed and allowed to rest for several months before release. The fish are also tracked by PIT tags after being released. For more information on this interesting subject, go to the link.

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Prairie Creek Restoration

by Conservation Chair

Save the Redwoods League, in partnership with Caltrout, the Yurok Tribe, National Park Service, California State Parks, California State Coastal Conservancy, NOAA Restoration Center and Wildlife Conservation Board has begun a project that includes returning Prairie Creek and adjacent floodplain habitat for salmon and steelhead back to a more natural state. The project is taking place adjacent to the former Orick Mill site north of Eureka in Humboldt County. For more information on the overall scope of the project and an inspiring video, go to the link.

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Remembrance: Matt Murphy

Thoughts from Steve Rudzinski (Stosh)

Matt and I met at Pyramid Lake trailer #7 ‘the Animal House’. He shared a room with his good buddy Dougald Scott, (the Snoring chamber) would shake as a wall separating the bathroom was pretty thin. The mornings Matt liked making cheese on toasted bread in the oven, and the coffee pot was set to go off early before first light.  Even at that time of day did not distract his natural smile and great humor.

We would fish nearby at Blockhouse beach waiting for that plastic ball to go under. Matt landed some fine fish and we all helped net them, I think of that place like the ‘senior citizens hole’. Good banter and when the fishing was hot…well it never got that hot. 

Matt brought me eggs from his hens at home and his elk stews and venison dishes in years when the elk eluded him was always our group meal the first night after fishing.  Wine and storytelling into the evening was fun and I enjoyed his sharp mind and humor and will miss him this year at the lake.   See you on the other side of the veil, – Stosh

Thoughts from Dougald Scott

Our club lost a colorful member and good friend in February. Matt Murphy had been an SCFF member since 2008. He was easily recognized by his massive white mustache and jovial presence. At our annual dinners, he was known for buying massive numbers of raffle tickets with high hopes of a new float tube or fly rod, and then accepting his final winnings of a calendar or hat with good humor. 
At Pyramid Lake fishouts, Matt was a fixture in Trailer 7, aka the “Animal House.” Cabin mates always looked forward to his wild-game dinners, especially his elk stew. He thoroughly enjoyed the camaraderie of all of the club members, especially at fishouts. 
Matt had many stories to share from his rich life experiences. His early years were spent in Afghanistan, Hawaii, and Samoa. In Afghanistan, he expanded his love for the outdoors and spent most of his time hunting much needed wild game for the family’s table. For many years after high school in Davis, he was a white water guide on numerous rivers throughout the west. Later on he became a master craftsman and contractor building many fine houses.
Matt will be sorely missed, especially at the Pyramid Lake Fishouts.

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Remembrance: Jim Black

by Michael Sherwood

Club member Jim Black passed away recently. He was an adventurous fly fisherman, traveling the western US and the world . Jim had a strong affection for the club, assuming the presidency in 2017 due to the incumbent’s illness; however his tenure was short, as he faced his own medical problems. He was able to continue on the board as Programs Chair often coming up with great ideas and funding some himself. Unfortunately his illness interceded one again.

One year, I was meeting Jim, Tom Welle, his son-in-law, and a bunch of Tom’s brothers to fish Henderson Springs, a series of lakes east of Redding. Tom and Jim stopped at The Fly Shop to pick up some flies. Low and behold, Jim realized his rods and gear bag had been left behind.

Forgetting your fly rod; $500.
Remembering your reel and waders were in the bag; $300
Spending your son-in-laws 50th birthday with him and family; priceless.

We’ll miss you Jim.

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Remembrance: Pat Murray

by Elaine Cook

Pat Murray, a dear club member of ours, passed away recently. She was introduced to the club in 2006 by long-term club member Gill Santos. You could find her at many club functions and fishouts ,and help at the annual fundraiser was much appreciated. On one particular memorable horse pack trip into Humphreys Basin in the High Sierra, she kept us entertained with her skills at playing bridge , which helped us deal with the cold rain and then corn snow which fell upon our tarps all day. The O’Neil Forbay was one of her frequent haunts. She really enjoyed catching those mighty Stripers. Thanks Gil for introducing us to Pat who was such a fun friend. – by Elaine Cook

Katalla River: Juno AK, September 2005. L-R: Gil Santos; Pat Murray; Ed Marcillac; Tom McMillan; Dougald Scott.
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March Fishout Schedule

mobile scrollable table 

Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 21-Oct.5Sep 21 - Oct 05Trout John Cook fishmaster-- (831)688-1561 or (831)234-6515
Last Surf Fishout of 2024!Oct 05
O’Neill Forebay ‘Stosh’ Memorial Fishout October 17-20thOct 17 - Oct 20
Trinity River FishoutNov 01 - Nov 04

Sep 21 : Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 21-Oct.5

Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 21-Oct.5
Mammoth Lakes (Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: John Cook fishmaster-- (831)688-1561 or (831)234-6515

UPDATED – 7/20/2024 –  Only two spots open first week,  second week is full.

Sign Ups: As a reminder, it is important to sign up early or this Fishout.

Call John Cook letting him know which week, both or private room. Payment is required to secure our spot we need people to sign up as soon as possible. Should you need to cancel, you can find someone to take your place and get your money back.

Contact Ph # (831) 234-6515

Fishmasters: John & Elaine Cook

Dates:  This Fishout will take place over two consecutive one-week periods. You may sign up for one or both weeks. Week 1: Sept  21 – Sept 28 .       Week 2: Sept 28 – Oct 5.

Location: The town of Mammoth Lakes is located on the eastern side of the Sierra, 6 or 7 hours drive from Santa Cruz. There are many lakes and streams in the area to fish.

General: We will be staying in condominiums in the town of Mammoth Lakes. Condo has a lovely hot tub, so bring your suit. Two people per bedroom. Most people bring a sleeping bag to share queen size bed or a pad and sleeping bag to sleep on floor. A private room option is possible at an increased fee.

Cost:  Shared single:  $450/wk, $900/2 wks,   Private room:  $800/wk,  $1,600/2 wks.   Dinner guests:  $20/meal

Food Preparation: Breakfast and lunch items will be purchased by the Fishmaster ahead of time. Each person will be assigned a Kitchen Day. On that day, tasks will include setting out breakfast and lunch items, store unused food, and preparing the evening meal and clean up afterwards.   Each person will be assigned a dinner that you will need to purchase and prepare.   You will then be reimbursed for the cost for the dinner.


Oct 05 : Last Surf Fishout of 2024!

Palm State Beach (Click for address and map)

Location: Palm Beach

Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers

Gear: 6-8wt. Rods with full sinking lines or shooting heads to match the rod. Polarized glasses (safety),

Mandatory Accessories: Wader Belt & Stripping Basket

(If a basket is needed, some maybe available to borrow or purchase. Please contact the Fishmaster ahead of time. Also there are many DIY Stripping Basket making tutorials online)

Single, double & triple fly rigs

Clousers to sand crabs

Directions: Take RDM Blvd all the way down to the flats (bottom), circle the round-about to the left and exit back along Beach Drive, drive half mile to the State Beach (aka Platform). DO NOT stop up by the round-about, be sure to continue on Beach Drive. Early in the morning the parking lot is closed, but there is plenty of parking outside.

SURF FISHOUTS 2024 Meeting    Time (AM) State Beach  Sunrise Low tide High tide Moon    Tide flow Fishmaster
MAY 4th Saturday 5:55 Rio Del Mar 6:10 LO 02:14  +1.1 HI 07:58 AM +4.0 New Jun  7 Hi Flood to High Slack Lance B
JUNE* 1st Saturday 5:35 Beercan* 5:50 LO 01:12 +1.3 HI 06:39 +3.4 New  Jun 6 High Slack to Ebb Sam
JULY 6th Saturday 5:40 Palm 5:56 LO 06:03 -1.1 HI 1:04 PM +3.7 New    Jul 5 Low slack to Flood Lance B
AUGUST 3rd Saturday 6:00 Rio Del Mar 6:15 LO 05:05 -0.7 HI 11:54 AM +3.8 New  Aug 4 Low slack to Flood Sam
SEPT 7th Saturday 6:25 Manresa 6:44 LO 07:04 +1.8 HI 1:26 PM +4.6 New  Sep 2 Low slack to low Flood Sam
OCT 5th Saturday 6:50 Palm 7:06 LO 05:50 + 2.1 HI Noon +5.0 New   Oct 2 Low Flood Sam

Meet up times are scheduled 15 – 20 minutes before official sunrise.

Locations/dates/times/Fishmasters might change, notifications on Google Groups.

June 1st* Mike Lovejoy’s for breakfast after fishing:  115 Driftwood Ct., Aptos


Sam Bishop, 831-274-4024

Lance Boling <>




           Rio Del Mar State Beach – Google Map location for “Platform Beach”
           Beercan Beach* – Enter  1191 Via Palo Alto, Aptos. Path & Stairs  between Houses (See Notes)
           Palm Beach – Pajaro Dunes, end of West Beach St.
           Manresa State Beach – Google it, but parking may be on Ocean View Dr, 500 yards down the road



Oct 17 : O’Neill Forebay ‘Stosh’ Memorial Fishout October 17-20th

(Click for address and map)

Event: O’Neill Forebay ‘Stosh’ Memorial Fishout

Date: October 17th – 20th

(I will be looking for a weekend with a ‘skinny’ moon, less night feeding for the fish)

Target Gamefish: Striped Bass

Location: Medeiros Campground located on the Southern Shoreline of the O’Neill Forebay, access off of Santa Nella Blvd. (Highway 33)

Hosts: Kevin Murdock


These are primitive campsites so bring your own water. There are tables, sun pavilions, and chemical toilets, or outhouses and fire rings. No open fires are allowed outside of the rings.

Typically we will be camping as close to site 29 as we can get. This is a first come, first serve campground, so no reservations are accepted. Float tubes can be launched near the campsites, but boats must be first inspected, then launched from the

San Luis Creek Boat launch. Boats may not be left on the lake overnight. Boaters would be wise to exit prior to the closing of the entry kiosk. The ranger can place a seal on your trailer, allowing you to bypass the inspection process the next morning.

The rangers at the kiosk by the Medeiros entrance may insist that your float tubes need inspection. make sure they’re clean & dry.

Equipment: 8wt rods with fast sinking lines. Some anglers will occasionally use a floating line with a ‘gurgler’ type fly

Flies: Lee Haskins San Luis smelt, ‘Deceiver’ type patterns in red, white, chartreuse, the aforementioned gurglers and poppers.

Float tubes (may require inspection for quagga mussels)

Fins, sunscreen, polarized glasses, life vest


Fly Fishing O’Neill Forebay for Stripers A fly-fishing addict who fishes San Luis Reservoir and the Forebay. Long time local fishing guide.

Forebay Water level:

There will be a signup sheet at our September meeting. We’ll also create a list for those hoping to participate in a pot luck in honor of Steve ‘Stosh’ Rudzinski.

Weather conditions can vary dramatically, so it would behoove members to check prior to departure. You could email me or just get conditions on-line. High winds can cause the lake to be closed to all vessels.

This is one of our nearest Fishouts, with the possible payoff of a double digit fish! Don’t miss out!

Nov 01 : Trinity River Fishout

Trinity River Fishout
(Click for address and map)

NOTE:   Contact Alex Ferber if you are interested in going on the trip.  After knowing how many people are interested, it will be easier to plan logistics (camping? motel?).    You can text Alex at (831) 419-0564  or  If you want to go on this trip, it is highly recommended to attend the Spey Classes.

The fishery:
Basically,  this is a Steelhead Trip. There are some resident trout, including some really nice brown trout. I  walk wade or float my raft,  depending on the river conditions. I personally use a Spey rod to swing flies.   Many people use indicators.  There are a lot of walk in spots to explore. The river can be floated with rafts or driftboats. There is a shuttle service available.
Single hand rods, 7-8 wt rods, using floating lines with indicator set up. Typical flies used are Egg patterns, Copper John’s, Stonefly imitations like Rubberlegs,  Dark Perdigons. Sizes ranging from Size 8-14.
Spey or Switch rods, usually 5-6 wt in the Fall, I use a 7 wt in the winter. Skagit or Scandi heads, with floating to heavy sink tips, depending on the river conditions and season. Flies that work well include leeches, intruders, HoBo Spey, Traditionals, as well as dry fly patterns ( Skaters) in the early Fall.
The River:
The Trinity River is located aprox 1 hr west of Redding on  Hwy 299. Its a beautiful tailwater fishery, with flows controlled from the Lewiston Dam. This is where the hatchery can be found. It has many different faces, including some big water as it runs west. It meets up with the Klamath River on its journey to the ocean. It has an excellent run of both wild and hatchery fish, ranging from 5-7 #, with some larger fish in the  +10-12 # range. There are fish in the system year round, but typically a push of fish starts in late September and peaks in late November, with a second run usually in late December- March. The fishing remained really good thru the end of March last season. It is very flow dependant and can run quite low in the Fall, with occasional bumps in flows when there is precipitation. It can blow out on occasion, but clears pretty fast.
Weaverville is the closest town, where there are good restaurants, motels and a really nice Holiday Market. It’s kinda the hub. There is an RV park in Weaverville,  but no campsites.
Camping is available in Douglas City  area as well as Junction City and further west on 299. The town of Douglas city doesn’t have much, other than a small mini mart. Indian Creek Lodge is a few miles east of Douglas City. The town of Lewiston is just below the Lewiston dam. It offers some camping and motels. There is a really nice motel west of Junction City (I believe it is called Steelhead Lodge?). It’s an excellent place to stay if one wishes to fish below Junction City.